Cuba for Dummies!!
Cuba USA

Cuba for Dummies!!

The day before the opening of the U.S. Embassy in Havana, The Plaid Dictator :


Millions due to the embargo? Yes, Alfredo!!! ALL of Cuba's problems are due to the embargo and the blog El Cafe Cubano.

NO, it does not matter the Cuba can trade with 195 out of the 196 countries in the world. Doesn't matter that Cuba has traded and has had relations with Canada and Europe for YEARS.

It does NOT MATTER that FIFO stole properties, NATIONALIZED banks, and imprisoned thousands........It's the embargo and the Cuban Exiles fault for ALL of Cuba's woes!!

- Rumor Friday
Here is the latest installment of Rumor Friday: The Cuban dictatorship proclaimed that the government shutdown in the USA was due to the Embargo and the Cuban exiles....... Catholic Church opens business classes in Cuba ,but says asking for FREE...

- Shortage Of Toilet Paper In Venezuela
Folks I am not making this up! It appears that their is such a shortage of toilet paper in Venezuela, that the Venezuelan dictatorship has to import 50 million rolls! It's the Embargo's fault for this fiasco......wait a minute their...

- "castro Says Cuban Model Doesn't Work"
Dictator castro "REFLECTING" with Jeffrey Goldberg, a national correspondent for The Atlantic magazine, said :   "The Cuban model doesn't even work for us anymore" Thanks for the Gum ball dictator!....after 51 years in power...thousands...

- The Blogging Dictator Continues To Blame Everyone Else
The Adidas wearing blogging dictator continues his babble with a forked tongue. Guess who is at fault for the embargo? I know that this a tough one, ready Vern? He blames the United States for the embargo and for over 48 years has blamed the US for...

- De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da The Police Are Invited To Play In Cuber
The Police have been invited to play in apartheid Cuba. I was a big Police fan when they first came out, but when Sting started to think that he was the hippest and the answer to all the world’s problems, my interest soon faded. Let’s see what happens?...

Cuba USA
