Cuba USA

Not " A big Winner" in Argentina

According to the media Chavez really took it to Bush. Mini-me astounded the summit by instigating a riot and then twenty nine countries voted in favor of ALCA, four voted in favor of waiting and only Chavez was in favor of 'burying' it. Yep, a solid victory! Now he is insulting Vincente Fox. A toast to those in the media for their journalist valor, in-depth reporting, and obvious un-biased reporting.(Sorry no French wine in respect to what's happening in France concerning the Muslims-OOPS, can I say Muslim without offending?)

- Zip It Mini-me!
Looks like mini-me chavez was sent to his room for a time out by raulita after literally burying the dictator in the press. After completing his time out, mini-me declares that the morbid dictator is fine and "working and writing." I am sure all the...

- "cuba: 2 Foreign Reporters Ousted"
Journalist are pounded big time here at El Cafe Cubano because of the lack of reporting the "truth" concerning Cuba. Here are two "real" journalist reporting the truth!...

- The Media Is So Aim To Please
The MSM is so happy and so eager to please by reporting that the dictator will resume his functions in several weeks. So far our only contacts to the media have been Tricky Ricky Alarcon, Mini-me Chavez, Carlito's way Lage, and Cocaine Morales....

Cuban U.N. Victory? (Warning!!) Please get your Pepto Dismal ready before reading this article. Here is Daniel Ortega's message to fidel castro: "On hearing of Cuba's merited victory in the United Nations, we Sandinistas celebrate with delight,...

Riots in France " Oyeme Alfredo why haven't you mentioned anything concerning the riots in France?"O.K. here is why: It is so obvious that this was all planned by the Muslim extremist, but the media basically ignores this and puts the injustice and...

Cuba USA
