Cuba USA

Riots in France

" Oyeme Alfredo why haven't you mentioned anything concerning the riots in France?"O.K. here is why: It is so obvious that this was all planned by the Muslim extremist, but the media basically ignores this and puts the injustice and no opportunity spin on it. Here is an excellent article in the The Weekly Standard that nails it!

- Nicolas Maduro Will Place Limits On Corporate Profits
In a recent speech "el guaguero" Maduro blamed Venezuela's woes on  Jewish, Muslim and Christian businesses. Haven't we heard this before in history??? A little birdie told him that he sould also control the profits made by corporations..........Funny...

What the f....! What the f... is going on on? Guillermo Farinas on a hunger strike and the MSM basically ignores the strike and his basic principles. A reporter investigating about the Cuban rafters gets the crap beaten out him and do you see any mention...

Venezuela Venezuela is a hot topic these days and for good reason. The Toronto Star has an article that details how chavez uses his weekly show to lash out at everyone. Blog for Cuba has an excellent post concerning who is really behind the security...

Control, Control, and want to Control More! Cuba says it wants to confront and defeat the western media? What they mean is that they want to control everything media wise. What are they bitching about, since they basically take out $163,000 ads, control...

Jesse Jackson in Venezuela Venezuela is calling for the of extradition of Pat Robertson and Jesse Jackson called Robertson's comments a criminal act. No matter what you think about Pat Robertson and his comments, last time I checked this is a free...

Cuba USA
