Cuba USA

Dealing with the Devil Part II

Click here for pictures of the $20 million dollar deal. Love the handshake, what do the Cuban people get? A good swift kick in the ass. Dr. Biscet who is lingering in prison for his life gets nothing! No help or no mention. I am sure John Baldacci will never clasp the hands of any Cubans or Cuban-Americans for the freedom of the Cuban people.

- Dealing With The Apartheid Dictatorship
Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman is at it again dealing with the apartheid dictatorship. Here he is speaking with journalist today at the Jose Marti International airport. Millions of dollars of deals in the past, what has that done for the REAL Cuban people?...

- "idaho Governor Seeking Approval For Trade Mission To Cuba"
The dealing with the devil continues! Idaho governor Gov. C.L. “Butch” wants to go to Cuba again to deal with apartheid communist Cuba. Well, isn't that just Jim Dandy! Back in 2004 Idaho inked in blood a 10 million dollar deal with the rutless...

Bama now dealing with the devil Another deal inked in blood of the Cuban people. Apartheid Cuba will buy $20 million in goods from Alabama. You've got to love this: On Wednesday, members of the visiting Alabama trade delegation also read two resolutions...

Dealing with the devil continues As Juan of Paxty Pages has pointed out in many occasions: What Embargo? Here we have Nebraska inking out another deal in blood for another $30 million. Great deal for Nebraska and great deal for apartheid Cuba, but again...

The dictator and the jets! The people of apartheid Cuba have nothing, yet the dictator is ordering "two brand new Ilyushin planes worth $110 million " from Russia. Cubans are not are allowed at hotels, at the beach, at restuarants, or any where a tourist...

Cuba USA
