Cuba USA

The dictator and the jets!

The people of apartheid Cuba have nothing, yet the dictator is ordering "two brand new Ilyushin planes worth $110 million " from Russia. Cubans are not are allowed at hotels, at the beach, at restuarants, or any where a tourist is to be found. Dr. Biscet is in prison and is in poor health and Guillermo Fariñas Hernández is risking his life on a hunger strike for freedom of expression. Where is the moral outrage? Continually the press omits the suffering of the Cuban people! Thousands of letters to politicians, clergy, and important figures from the bloggers, and the many Cuban-Americans, and yet TOTAL SILENCE. Why? what is your rationale?

- Enough Is Enough Mr. “raspy” Rangel
Just received the latest edition of Cigar Aficionado with the theme being “ Cuba Tomorrow.” As a cigar lover I enjoy looking at the different brands of cigars and sometimes the articles are interesting, but I started to feel a little sick when in...

Fariñas Blogburst "If God wants me to die, I will die. I will be a Martyr for the Free information in the World"- Guillermo Fariñas HernándezA man willing to risk his life for something that many of us take for granted: FREEDOM. Please keep Mr....

Cigar Festival continued..... Isn't that special, paying thousands of dollars to attend a event hosted by a dictator. The apartheid country of Cuba will not even let Cubans at hotels, beach resorts, or any where a tourist is to be found. No outrage?...

Do Something! Journalist Guillermo Fariñas Hernández is risking his life and currently on a hunger strike. The media is silent, all the so called activist are silent, Spanish media is silent, religious groups and clergy are silent, and what is really...

What the f....! What the f... is going on on? Guillermo Farinas on a hunger strike and the MSM basically ignores the strike and his basic principles. A reporter investigating about the Cuban rafters gets the crap beaten out him and do you see any mention...

Cuba USA
