Cuba USA

ELN in Cuba for Peace Talks?

ELN in Cuba for peace talks and guess who is in the middle: Gabriel García Márquez. Let's see, a commie group is in Cuba(commie country who sponsors all these groups) with Marquez who is Fidel's pal. All they want is a Marxist government in Colombia and Latin-America. I guess we should give more land to rebel groups and look the other way concerning the atrocities. That's what this is really about.

From the Miami Herald:

HAVANA - Peace talks between Colombia and its second-largest rebel group began Friday in Cuba with help from Nobel Prize-winning author Gabriel García Márquez and facilitators from Spain, Norway and Switzerland.
Attempts at peace have formed and fizzled before, but Antonio García, the military commander of the National Liberation Army, better known as ELN, promised that his rebel group won't give up easily.
''We are not going to run,'' García told reporters. ``If the obstacles are big, we'll have to look for support in society, support in the international community. We'll have to reflect deeply on the obstacles and work hard to overcome them . . . to clear the way to peace.''
Several attempts at talks between the Colombian government and the ELN have failed since 1998.
When Cuba last hosted Colombia's talks with the rebel group, in 2002, then-President Andrés Pastrana pulled out, saying the rebels were not interested in peace. Friday's talks mark President Alvaro Uribe's first formal negotiations with left-wing insurgents, although he has been negotiating with right-wing paramilitaries.

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Cuba USA
