International Poetry Festival in Havana concern for the future of Peace in Colombia
Cuba USA

International Poetry Festival in Havana concern for the future of Peace in Colombia

Manifesto for Peace in Colombia

Havana, May 29th, 2014

We, poets from around the world meeting in Havana for the Poetry Festival, expressour concern for the future of Peace in Colombia .

We heard with astonishment that one of the presidential candidates has declared that if he gets elected, his first action will be to suspend the talks between the Colombian government and the insurgent forces.

Even though we deeply respect the self-determination of the people and the governments, we express our concern because we are convinced that peace of Colombia also means peace in the region.

For this reason, we hope that the peace talks continue on the right path, and that the solution expected by the people of Colombia and throughout the region is political.

We plead that whoever assumes the presidency of this country undertakes the task to continue with the peace dialogues. For our part, we express our solidarity and support with the Colombian people, particularly, those struggling for peace.

This country, as García Márquez said, deserves a second chance on earth. For a final political solution to the conflict in Colombia and all the conflicts of our America, we reaffirm that:

To defend Colombia is to defend the region, and to defend the region is the greatest poetic act, it is to defend humanity.


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