Cuba USA

Meeting in Miami

Two top officials from the Bush administration met with exile leaders yesterday and were met with frustration concerning the idiotic wet/dry foot policy. Let's hope they listened and changes will occur!

- Bush To Speak On Cuba
Bush will speak on Cuba today. Let's see if anything new will surface? Raulita is in power while the Adidas dictator spends his time "REFLECTING" and adding new routines to his apartheid dictatorcizes. No changes expected and I don't really expect...

Hunger Strike Mr. Ramon Saul Sanchez is in grave condition due to his hunger strike. He is literally putting his life on the line concerning the wet foot-dry foot policy. It's time to do something folks! Net For Cuba has a press release and urges...

The Silence is Deafening CB at Killcastro and Ziva at Blog for Cuba again are the only ones speaking out for the balseros among the deafening silence. The Democracy Movement held a vigil and protest yesterday, but can you find anything in the media?...

Kill Castro and Blog for Cuba both have a post concerning the the 7 year old girl that was picked up by a cruise ship. Can you believe this: On Thanksgiving weekend. Elian was also picked up on Thanksgiving weekend. A coincidence, no way! I believe this...

Bush in Brazil President Bush acknowledged Sunday that he had more work to do to persuade Brazil of the value of a vast proposed free-trade zone for the Western Hemisphere. Bush spoke after meeting with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva,...

Cuba USA
