Cuba USA

Freedom fighters refused asylum

I guess if you stand for democracy and willing to fight for it against overwhelming odds your labeled a terrorist. Yet, when someone marches demanding immediate citizenship, demanding all benefits and more while here illegally and carrying a Che Guevera banner, that person is considered wonderful?
Now even the most comemierda can rationalize this or come up with a good arguement on why they should be denied asylum.Wait a minute, I forgot everyone knows the plight of a certain group, but the media and everyone else has no idea about the thousands of Cubans who headed to the Escambray Mountains and gave the dictator a fit for many years.

We receive the message loud and clear: If you stand up against a tyranny, risk your life for FREEDOM, and love everything the U.S. stands for: No NEED to apply for Aslym you terrorist! DENIED

If your Colombian and have been threatened to be killed, so you payoff the Leftist guerilla thugs to remain alive: NO NEED to apply for aslym you terrorist! DENIED

Here in the U.S. illegally, falsify social security numbers, take on fake indentities, demand everything plus immediate citizenship: Come on in and we will look the other way! Hey you might get amnesty! In the meantime stay as long as you want!

Click here and here for more.

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Cuba USA
