Cuba USA

More On Our Favorite Group: Code Commies

Code Pink protested at military recruiting centers last week and staged fake military bake sales. Isn't that so cute! How about this: check out the photos of the artsy fartsy slogans and posters.

I have some some slogans that they can use on posters and t-shirts(Charge $15.99 for t-shirts, $2.50 for bumper stickers. Wait a minute, I forgot you commies can't make any evil profits!):

"I am really a communist"

" Beheadings are cool!"

" I could give a rats ass if I am aiding the enemy."

"I hate the U.S. with a passion, that I would rather defend terrorist ."(charge extra for this one!)

" I am wearing a Guevera t-shirt, but I am so ignorant of the facts of the butcher."

"Havana and Caracas are my kind of towns!"

" What happens in Havana, stays in Havana especially if you speak out against castro"

" We say no to torture and war, but not counting communist revolutions!"

" What mass graves in Iraq?"

" Killing is O.K. for dictators."

- Code Words: Glossary Of Terms For El Cafe Cubano
Alfredo, who are you talking about concerning Mini-me #2 or #3? Well guys here is a Glossary of terms for El Cafe Cubano speak. Now you can dissect my anti-communist blog with fervor!We Cubans or at least here at El cafe Cubano love to use nicknames when...

- Time For A Caption Contest In Honor Of Matt Lauer
El Cafe Cubano thought this would be the best time to hold a new caption contest in honor of Matt Lauer's trip to apartheid Cuba. Please my FREEDOM-loving brethren don't hold back! I will throw in a FREE Guayabera or t-shirt donated by SOROA...

- Time To Go To School!
This is a special class for those who ''don" leche guevera t-shirts. Sit down and crab a coffee, no not a loco moco from starbucks, but a good strong cafe Cubano. Forget about those hippie professors or those who have 2-way radios in their backyard,...

"You'll get slugged in the Bahamas" Commies love code words and slogans to get their evil message across. Here at El Cafe Cubano we have our own slogans. Remember the old marketing slogan for the Bahamas: "It's better in the Bahamas." Now in...

Howard Dean supports Code Pink Come mierda Howard Dean endorses our favorite commie group Code Pink. Here is a picture of the screamer with code commie t-shirts....

Cuba USA
