"US Homeland Security tests response to possible mass exodus from Cuba"
Cuba USA

"US Homeland Security tests response to possible mass exodus from Cuba"

Homeland Security conducted test exercises to prepare against a possible influx of Cubans. Call me crazy, they are worried about a possible influx similar to Mariel(125,000), but they are not concerned with the 15-20 million already here in the U. S. illegally? Why no test exercises on the border? Why such concern over POSSIBLE Cubans, but many here in the U.S. who are anti-U.S. and who have ties to terrorist nations are not on the CONCERN list?

- Panamax 2015 Military Exercises
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- "cuba Readies For Possible Influx Of U.s. Tourists"
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- Bush To Speak On Cuba
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- Second Nuclear Test?
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- Connectivity Remains Slow And Variable
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Cuba USA
