“Jose Marti Cuba versus Fidel’s Cuba” by Jose Reyes
Cuba USA

“Jose Marti Cuba versus Fidel’s Cuba” by Jose Reyes

One would wonder, specifically Cubans in Cuba, how it would be if Jose Marti were alive now and was actively engaged in his liberating thoughts and writings. I say, Cubans in Cuba because they have not experienced the advantage of living outside of Cuba and in a Democracy. I also say Cubans in Cuba because about 75% of them have only known one type of government and it is the murderous Castro regime. And since this government does not allow any sort of expression that would counter the almighty Fidelist rule of law, then one could compare it directly with when the Spanish ruled there. We all know, if Jose Marti were around now and in Cuba, then he would be serving a life sentence since 1959, never mind a 25 year term. So why is it that in Cuba there are statues honoring Jose Marti everywhere?

Well, it’s for two reasons and they are are intertwined. The first reason is pretty simple; the Castro regime could not avoid one of the most famous Cuban heroes that ever existed, they had to leave in place and constantly maintain all the statues of Jose Marti that were constructed and they were all constructed before the regime takeover. The second reason was to misinterpret and manipulate Jose Marti’s ideals to match and compromise those of Karl Marx, Communism. This is typical of the Castro regime and all leftist governments. Here’s a couple of pages from a book written by Ben Corbett named “This is Cuba: an outlaw culture survives” (Pages 164 to 172) Here. These pages deal with how the Castro regime indoctrinates the Cuban kids and constantly discriminate the United States. It’s a very interesting account from an American writer who lived in Cuba for a few years and it can be interpreted in many ways. I interpret it, as is, just an American who wrote a book on interviews with Cubans in Cuba, nothing else than that.

No matter how you look at it, the statues of Marti are still there now and will always be there. Jose Marti laid the foundation down for the Cuban people during their struggle for independence against the imperial rule of Spain. I consider Jose Marti to be the mirror image of Thomas Paine, he was to Cuba exactly what Thomas Paine was to colonial America. He represents the goodness of the Cuban people; he is the soul of the Cuban people. He is why Cubans are so kind and caring; he is the reason why Cubans are so happy and why they are in part, so naive. He is also the reason why Cuban people are so persistent and never give up there plight to be free again.

Jose Marti is the reason why the Cuban people will be free again, no matter how many outsiders try to persuade and influence them to give up and give in to the Castro regime. Jose Marti is the reason why the Castro regime will never succeed with their personal Revolucion, never! Jose Marti is the reason why the exile community around the world has never given up and have never abandoned their families in Cuba. Jose Marti is instilled in every Cubans heart and will be until the end of the world, no matter how many irresponsible leaders stick their noses into the Cuban crisis. Jose Marti represents real freedom and no matter how much the Castro regime deprives the Cuban people from having it, it cannot be defeated.

As for Batista, the spirit of Jose Marti was always in the corner of the Cuban people. Although he had control of Cuba for decades, the Cuban people were always fighting against his dictatorship and manage to throw him out of office several times. Although Batista was able to get his way, he never was able to totally control them and because of this, the greatest political turmoil in the history of Cuba took place. It occurred from 1952 to 1959. (Note: Timeline provided by Cuba 1952-1959 Blog) These eight years prove to be the ultimate test against the will of the Cuban people to live in a true Republic state. There was so much confusion in the air and so many different points of views but the main goal for all the different party competing was to replicate the Cuba which Jose Marti had established when the Spanish imperial rule was abolished. But this wThese eight years brought us the beginning of Fidel’s Cuba, the Cuba that Jose Marti fought against all his life to achieve and avoid. The Cuba which Jose Marti repeatedly warned and cautioned his people; the reason why he traveled around the world collecting money and gaining allies. Fidel’s Cuba is the complete opposite of Jose Marti’s Cuba. Fidel Castro has never accomplished anything and will always be remembered as the one who destroyed Cuba, that’s all. Just for comparison purposes, let’s imagine the Castro regime tried to engage in a campaign to knock down the statues of Marti and replace them with statues of Fidel. Can you? For this reason the Castro regime had to refrain and invent another way to connect Jose Marti with the Revolution. Fidel, knew from the beginning how dangerous it would have been to attack and discredit Jose Marti’s ideals of freedom. Fidel has never taken that road and his regime never will, it would be their downfall. The spirit and dreams of Jose Marti are in every Cuban citizen that has been tortured physically and mentally, nobody will ever take it away from them. The truthful glorious words of Jose Marti will bring this regime down and this righteous event is very near. Jose Marti is Cuba!as not to be and the Cuban people were fooled by Fidel’s communist tactics.

These eight years brought us the beginning of Fidel’s Cuba, the Cuba that Jose Marti fought against all his life to achieve and avoid. The Cuba which Jose Marti repeatedly warned and cautioned his people; the reason why he traveled around the world collecting money and gaining allies. Fidel’s Cuba is the complete opposite of Jose Marti’s Cuba. Fidel Castro has never accomplished anything and will always be remembered as the one who destroyed Cuba, that’s all. Just for comparison purposes, let’s imagine the Castro regime tried to engage in a campaign to knock down the statues of Marti and replace them with statues of Fidel. Can you? For this reason the Castro regime had to refrain and invent another way to connect Jose Marti with the Revolution. Fidel, knew from the beginning how dangerous it would have been to attack and discredit Jose Marti’s ideals of freedom. Fidel has never taken that road and his regime never will, it would be their downfall. The spirit and dreams of Jose Marti are in every Cuban citizen that has been tortured physically and mentally, nobody will ever take it away from them. The truthful glorious words of Jose Marti will bring this regime down and this righteous event is very near. Jose Marti is Cuba!

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Cuba USA
