“It goes without saying”
Cuba USA

“It goes without saying”

This is the latest article from FREEDOM FIGHTER Jose Reyes, it's on the 50th anniversary of the revolution:

“It goes without saying”
By Jose Reyes
No one in their right mind can possibly tell me or even attempt to convince me or anybody else, that the “Revolucion” has worked in Cuba. Nothing and I mean absolutely nothing positive has occurred in the last 50 years with this brutal, aimless Castro dictatorship. So who is to tell me or anybody else, that the Cuban people will ever be rewarded with any sort of accomplishment? 50 years of misery, is all that any “sane” individual would plainly gather after a general analysis of Cuba now, 50 years ago and every respective year in-between. This is just a general analysis, never mind a “careful” analysis. In that case you can write a book that would rival “War and Peace” in volume, just on detail. Details backed by facts which will prove without a doubt, how useless and pathetic it has been. “It goes without saying”, literally explains it all. You have to be deaf, dumb and blind to even attempt to defend the Castro regime. You have to be an immoral masochist or may I say, an outright devil worshiper, to agree with the self serving “system” there is in Cuba now and for the last 50 years. Unfortunately, there are many out there who actually support the Castro system, but one can plainly see, these individuals all have an agenda behind their sympathizing thinking. Maybe this could be where others seem to miss the point whenever they read about or hear anybody who agrees with the Castro regime. Whether if it is written by the mainstream media or preached in a classroom by a college professor, there is an agenda behind it all. Whether the agenda is a political reason, hatred towards the Cuban Exiles or hatred towards America, these words that are written and these words that are spoken always irresponsibly forget to mention many very important factors. These words are meaningless because there is nothing to back them up. The reason is very obvious but these self-righteous, mislead, controlled, ignorant individuals always steer around the real issues in Cuba. Their Utopian ideals, which govern their thought process, always deny taking into consideration the basic concept of “Human Nature.” Human nature is where Communism always staggers and falls on its face. So for this reason, Cuba only stands for Fidel and “his” revolucion, the Cuban people do not really exist, how could they? The average Cuban in Cuba has no opinion at all, that right is not in the vocabulary. Neither are they allowed to leave the country, no visa. They cannot demonstrate against the Castro regime, long prison terms. So it goes without saying, the Castro regime has done nothing for the Cuban people in the last 50 years that would justify and be considered as positive progress.

What has the Castro regime done for its citizens? Besides, brainwashing them with false promises and enslaving them like dogs, tell me, what good have they done for them. When the average wage of a Cuban citizen is $20 and all their food is rationed. Someone tell me, what have the Cuban people achieved now that their identity has been taken away from them and what will their future be? It is insult to humanity, what is happening in Cuba now and for the last 50 years. A country that competed head to head with the rest of the world, this is an insult to anybody’s intelligence. So honestly ask yourself if you doubt me, what in the world is this 50th annual celebration all about? Also, can someone please tell me, where is Fidel? He’s the one who started this atrosity. He’s the one that deprives and has deprived for 50 years, the very people of Cuba who he supposedly represents. He along with his brother Raul have deprived the Cuban citizens of their dignity and of all their human rights. It goes without saying, this has been the biggest debacle in modern history.

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Cuba USA
