"The UN Inhumane Rights Council"
Cuba USA

"The UN Inhumane Rights Council"

By Jose Reyes
The UN Human Rights Council is a total disgrace to term human rights itself and should appropriately be renamed to “The UN Inhumane Rights Council.” The United Nations should not exist because it violates the exact purpose and reason why it was established and created. There is no better example of misrepresentation than the favorable non-discriminating treatment towards the Cuban regime. Cuba is the perfect example of how the UN handles and conducts business within its sinful walls. For its members to knowingly turn a blind eye away from the 50 years of tyrannical rule in Cuba can only be classified as Evil. Every individual who just casted a favorable vote to reelect Cuba to its shameful so-called Human Rights Council should be held accountable for their prejudice decision. I cannot place the same blame on all diplomats because there are many who have worked in the past and are working now for the UN that have made a difference but then again, when it comes to Cuba, most of them are clueless. Sometimes I feel the UN was created to discredit the United States and its allies. How much more evidence will it take for the UN to acknowledge that Cuba is just another totalitarian government and it’s inhabitants are simply slaves.
Now, Therefore THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY proclaims THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end thaNow, Therefore THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY proclaims THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction.t every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction. ARTICLES 1 to 30
Please take a look at this link, read each and every Article so you could realize how the Castro regime breaks every single one! And the UN, which was created and formed to defend helpless citizens of brutal governments from being treated as slaves, is aiding and rewarding the Cuban slave masters themselves.
The UN tends to be too naive, here, let’s go back to 1962, just for a miniature example but an enormous one with the the recent vote in mind.
The UN General assembly did not beleive that there were missles pointing at the United States and that there was any sort of threat? So this excellent and significant Debate transpired in the United Nations Secourity council. Of course, the Russians defense was the failed attempt of the Bay of Pigs but that was an attempt by exiled Cubans to retake their country back. This was not exactly what Fidel and Khrushchev had in mind, as we all know. They had multiple short to long range missiles pointing at the United States.
Why don’t we take a look at the Human Rights Watch and there recent news concerning the Cruel treatment of the Castro regime towards its citizens. These are the words of José Miguel Vivanco, Americas director at Human Rights Watch:
“Any discussion of engagement with Cuba needs to take into account that Cuba is the last country in the hemisphere that represses nearly every form of political dissent, those who lament Cuba’s absence from the summit should remember that the Cuban government systematically denies its people even the most basic freedoms.”
Although, like usual, he confuses the matter and contradicts himself by saying this:
“The Latin American leaders should recognize that turning a blind eye to Cuba’s repression has done nothing to improve the lives of the Cuban people, the sooner the US and Latin America acknowledge that none of their policies have improved human rights in Cuba, the sooner they can find a shared policy that will succeed.” Read it all
Typical of the HRW, they are always stumbling over themselves when it come to Cuba. This is their 2009 World Report concerning Cuba and explains the confusion and contradictions I mentioned before. Let’s not forget that the reason why Cuba was not invited to the Summit of the Americas was because the Castro regime is not recognized as a legitimate government, elected by the people and for the people. So why should they even be included in the UN at all?
The UN missed this when the voting took place. The UN misses or refuses to acknowledge the truth, what more evidence do they need? Is the UN Inhumane Council breaking their obligation of Human Rights? I am just touching the surface here, as we all know or do we? Dr Oscar Biscet and the rest of the political prisoners is common knowledge. That’s enough proof, I think, but 50 years of Human Rights violations by the same exact government is totally unexcusable! What does the US Embargo or the new so-called attitude by the Castro regime have to do with 50 years of human rights violations. I repeat again, read the 30 articles of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS that I linked above and then tell me that I’m wrong, prove it to me please. Remember, this article pertains to the inclusion of Cuba to the UN Human Rights Council, nevermind the other countries. I’m sure many reading this article would have a few words to say about the others there and be my guess please. There are no words to describe the irresponsibility and the corruptness occurring in the UN. It’s a total disgrace to Human Rights in Cuba and therefore, it is a total disgrace to humanity!

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Cuba USA
