When commie met commie....
Cuba USA

When commie met commie....

China's Defense Minister Cao Gangchuan meets with raulita this past Friday. Who knows what debauchery went on and what evil schemes were plotted. Oh well, we will ever know since the media is so in love with commies.

- Saint Raulita Allows Cubans To Stay In Hotels
Saint raulita "Gorbachev" now is lifting the ban allowing Cubans to stay in hotels in their own country. So that does prove for 49 years a apartheid system did exist in Cuba. All we got was TOTAL SILENCE from all the supposed human rights activist and...

- Saint Raulita By Anita Snow
Anita Snow is nominating raulita for sainthood according to this article. This article has "snow job" written all over it. The raulita plan has been into effect for some time, first the fading away of the adidas dictator, second the rumors of the dictator's...

- Rumor Friday.......
We still don't know if the apartheid dictator is really dead or not. Every Friday El Cafe Cubano will dish out the latest: -The real reason the Adidas wearing dictator can not be seen in public is that he is now obsessed with wearing "I LOVE YOU...

World Commie Forum Mini-me welcomed commies to the World Social Forum. His remarks were of course directed at Bush and at the United States. He called Bush "Mr. Danger" and called our government "immoral." The topics to be discussed at this commie...

Commie in a business suit Here is the commies evil master donning a suit? A slideshow of the the dictator attending a summit in Barbados....

Cuba USA
