Translation: Guidelines debate 20, Energy policy
Cuba USA

Translation: Guidelines debate 20, Energy policy

Here is Part 20 of my translation of the booklet Information on the results of the Debate on the Economic and Social Policy Guidelines for the Party and the Revolution, an explanatory document published together with the final version of the Guidelines adopted by the Cuban Communist Party (PCC) Congress in April.

Useful background reading for these guidelines on energy policy is the Renewable Energy World magazine article "La Revolución Energética: Cuba's Energy Revolution", published in the April 9, 2009 issue."Towards a New Energy Paradigm", published by Cuba's Juventud Rebelde (an English translation) on January 14, 2009, may also be of interest. 

The format is as follows: number and text of the draft guideline, followed by the text and number of the corresponding guideline approved by the Communist Party Congress, followed by the drafting commission's explanation for the change. You'll find it easiest to read on my blog where the amended guidelines are in bold font. 

Also on my blog, at the foot of the translation you'll see the label "Guidelines". Click on this blue label to view all of the instalments of my translation of this explanatory document sequentially. 

Energy policy

222. Increase Cuban crude oil and associated gas production, developing the known deposits and fast-tracking geological studies aimed at identifying new deposits, including exploratory drilling in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the Gulf of Mexico. (Maintained as guideline 240)

223. Boost the crude oil refining capacity, achieving volumes that allow for the reduced importation of petroleum derivatives. (Maintained as guideline 241)

224. Significantly increase the efficiency of electrical generation, dedicating the necessary attention and resources to maintaining the plants in operation and achieving high indices of availability in the oil-fired electrical generation plants and in the installations based on clusters of smaller generators. (Maintained as guideline 242) 

225. Conclude the programme for the installation of small-scale fuel oil generators and give priority attention to the installation of combined-cycle generators in Jaruco, Calicito and Santa Cruz del Norte.

Conclude the programme for the installation of small-scale fuel oil generators and give priority attention to the installation of combined-cycle generators in Boca de Jaruco [the mouth of the Jaruco River in Mayabeque Province; Jaruco is a small fishing village – translator’s note], Calicito and Santa Cruz del Norte. (243)

Amends the geographical location of the first objective mentioned, given 10 opinions in 2 provinces.

226. Maintain an active policy in the setting of electricity tariffs that avoids or diminishes peak demand and reduces its impact on generation capacities.

Maintain an active policy in the setting of electricity tariffs that diminishes peak demand and reduces its impact on generation capacities. (244)

Eliminates the word “avoids”, given that it is used incorrectly in the opinion of one National Assembly deputy.

227. Pursue the programme for the rehabilitation of electrical grids and the elimination of low-voltage zones, achieving the planned savings by reducing losses in the transmission and distribution of electrical energy.

Pursue the programme for the rehabilitation and modernisation of electrical grids and substations and the elimination of low-voltage zones, achieving the planned savings by reducing losses in the transmission and distribution of electrical energy. Advance in the implementation of the approved programme for the electrification of isolated zones of the National Electrical System, in accordance with the necessities and capabilities of the country, utilising the most economical energy sources. (245) 

Responds to proposals that identify omissions in the description of the grids programme, such as that related to modernisation and the electrification of isolated zones according to the approved programme, given 2,507 opinions in 15 provinces.

228. Promote co-generation and tri-generation in all possible activities. In particular, the generation of electricity by the sugar industry will be increased via the utilisation of bagasse and cane and forestry residues, creating conditions for co-generation outside of the sugar harvesting season in both refining and distillation. (Maintained as guideline 246) 

Cuban farmhouse with solar panels

229. Promote the use of various renewable energy sources: biogas, wind power, hydroelectric and others will be utilised, prioritising those with greatest economic impact [i.e. reduced costs] in the short term.

Promote the use of various renewable energy sources, above all the utilisation of biogas, wind power, hydroelectric, biomass, solar and others, prioritising those with greatest economic impact. (247) 

Adds biomass and solar energy given 231 opinions nationwide. “Short term” is deleted because this would limit the scope of the economically advantageous use of renewable energy sources.

230. Achieving the potential for savings in the state sector will be prioritised, and efforts will be made to harness the efficiency reserves in the residential sector, including revision of the current tariffs so that they fulfil their role as a regulator of demand. In the new productive modalities – whether self-employment of cooperative – a tariff without subsidies will apply.

Achieving the potential for savings in the state sector will be prioritised, and efforts will be made to harness the efficiency reserves in the residential sector, including revision of the current tariffs so that they fulfil their role as a regulator of demand. In the new productive and service modalities – whether self-employment of cooperative – a tariff without subsidies will apply. (248) 

Specifies that the scope includes not only the new productive modalities, but also services [provided by the self-employed, small businesses and cooperatives – translator’s note]. Added on the bases of the Congress debates. 

New guideline:

Increase the efficacy of the repair and maintenance services for electrical cooking equipment so that these services function properly. (249) 

Takes into consideration proposals arising from inconveniences caused by frequent malfunctions and the lack of spare parts for cooking equipment, 7,123 opinions nationwide.

New guideline:

Study the free [i.e. non-rationed] sale of cooking fuel and of other advanced cooking technologies as additional options at non-subsidised prices. (250) 

In response to multiple requests that new options be offered to better satisfy the needs of the population, 22,599 opinions nationwide.

[Bottled gas seems to be the preferred option. “Advanced technologies” probably refers to microwave ovens, on sale since 2008 in the convertible currency stores, and other such high-tech devices. The government has promoted the use of electric hotplates as part of the “Energy Revolution” since 2005, distributing millions of these and other energy-saving devices to households on easy repayment terms – translator’s note.]

231. Give special attention to energy efficiency in the transport sector. (Maintained as guideline 251) 

231. Incorporate energy efficiency into the planning of new investments, applying appropriate oversight procedures.

Incorporate energy efficiency into the planning of new investments and the repair or upgrade of productive infrastructure, applying appropriate oversight procedures. (252) 

Includes infrastructure repairs and maintenance given that these activities also have the potential to deliver savings that should be considered, on the basis of the Congress debates.

233. Improve the work of planning and monitoring of the use of energy carriers*, broadening the spectrum and the quality of the efficiency indicators and the established indices of consumption.

Improve the work of planning and monitoring the use of energy carriers*, broadening the measurement criteria and the quality of the efficiency indicators and the established indices of consumption. (253) 

Makes the content of that related to increasing the effectiveness of monitoring more precise, as suggested during the Congress debates.

234. Project the role of the education system and the mass media in promoting an in-depth awareness of the quality and comprehensive nature of the policy aimed at savings and the efficient and sustainable use of energy. (Maintained as guideline 254)

*Portadores energéticos, “energy carriers”, is a generic term that refers to electricity and any  substance that can be used as an energy source, such as petroleum or sugar cane bagasse.

- Translation: Guidelines Debate 22, Transport
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- Translation: Guidelines Debate 21, Tourism
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- Translation: Guidelines Debate 19, Industry
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- Translation: Cubasolar President On Debate
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Cuba USA
