Translation: Guidelines debate 19, Industry
Cuba USA

Translation: Guidelines debate 19, Industry

Here is Part 19 of my translation of the booklet Information on the results of the Debate on the Economic and Social Policy Guidelines for the Party and the Revolution, an explanatory document published together with the final version of the Guidelines adopted by the Cuban Communist Party (PCC) Congress in April.

The format is as follows: number and text of the draft guideline, followed by the text and number of the corresponding guideline approved by the Communist Party Congress, followed by the drafting commission's explanation for the change. You'll find it easiest to read on my blog where the amended guidelines are in bold font. 

Also on my blog, at the foot of the translation you'll see the label "Guidelines". Click on this blue label to view all of the instalments of my translation of this explanatory document sequentially.    

Industrial and energy policy

197. Orient industrial policy fundamentally towards the promotion of exports, reducing their imported component.

Prioritise in industrial policy, as the fundamental objective, the promotion of exports and the reduction of costs, especially of their imported component. (215)

Clarifies that the proposal does not imply diverting the attention of industry towards the needs of the internal market, given 38 opinions in 8 provinces. Adds cost reduction for its importance in boosting efficiency, given 23 opinions in 5 provinces and the Isle of Youth. 

198. Promote an appropriate technical infrastructure for standardisation, metrology, quality control and the certification of industrial property. 

Improve the technical infrastructure for standardisation, metrology and quality, in accordance with the prioritised objectives of promoting exports and substituting imports. (216)

“Control” is deleted, since it is an integral part of the quality policy. In response to 12 opinions in three provinces. Eliminates the reference to industrial property since this is included in the current guideline 228.

199. Reorient industrial production 
in the short term with a view to ensuring the supply of the market for inputs needed by the various productive forms (in particular cooperatives and the self-employed), as well as increasing the supply of equipment for small-scale production, in particular to support the development of local industries with new types of machinery and equipment that can be easily used and maintained. (Maintained as guideline 217) 

200. Give prioritised attention in the planning of the investment process to the environmental impact associated with industrial development, in particular in the chemical and petrochemical sectors, nickel, cement and other construction materials. 

Give prioritised attention to the environmental impact associated with existing and projected industrial development, in particular in the sectors of chemicals; the petroleum and petrochemical industry; mining, especially nickel; cement and other construction materials; and in the most affected localities. Include the strengthening of systems of inspections and monitoring. (218)

Adds additional contaminating activities and attention to localities with environmental problems associated with industrial development, given 150 opinions in eight provinces. Adds boosting environmental inspections, 217 opinions in 9 provinces.

201. Intensify the process of restructuring and resizing of industrial plant, aimed at the rational concentration of dispersed capacities.

Intensify the process of restructuring and resizing of industrial plant. Achieve the concentration of dispersed capacities and ensure the rational employment of idle installations and equipment, including their sale, lease or granting in usufruct to the self-employed or other no-state property forms. (219) 

The addition aims at achieving the better utilisation of the available means of production, for which their eventual use in the non-state sector may be considered. In response to 77 opinions in 13 provinces. 

202. Prioritise the training of technical personnel and qualified cadres, as well integrating the work of the entities that participate in scientific-technological activities, the execution of R&D programmes and the mitigation of environmental impacts. (Incorporated into guidelines 132 and 138)

Deleted as a stand-alone guideline and incorporated with two others. Its content is in the current guidelines 132 and 138.

New guideline:

Prioritise the reactivation of industrial maintenance, including the production and repair of components, spare parts and tools. (220)

Recognises the importance of improving maintenance activities in the boosting of economic efficiency, given 35 opinions in five provinces and that of one National Assembly of People’s Power deputy.

Guidelines for the principal sectors

203. Consolidate the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industry as one of the activities of greatest export capacity for the economy, and introduce new products on the national market to substitute imports. (Maintained as guideline 221)

New guideline:

Develop the dietary supplements and natural medicines industry, based on national inputs, for local consumption and export. (222)

Added on the basis of the Congress debates.

204. Boost technological sovereignty in the development of the telecommunications infrastructure for telemedicine, and promote the development of new technological platforms in neuroinformatatics, cognitive neuroscience, neurotechnology, nanotechnology, robotics and telemedicine.

Boost technological sovereignty in the development of telecommunications infrastructure and promote the development of new technological platforms in neurotechnology, nanotechnology, robotics and telemedicine. (223)

Revised for precision, given that neurotechnology includes neuroinformatics and much of the cognitive neurosciences. Avoids the repetition of telemedicine.

205. Boost the position of the nickel industry in international markets, improving the quality of its products and reducing its costs.

Boost the position of the nickel industry in international markets through increased production, improving the quality of its products and reducing costs, thus achieving a better utilisation of the mineral resources. Improve the reparation and maintenance of the industrial installations in line with the approved programme. (224)

Broadens the scope of the measures to be considered for the development of the industry and its sustainability [in the industrial sense – translator’s note], specifying the goal of improved maintenance. Given 176 opinions in seven provinces and that of one National Assembly deputy.

206. Speedily execute the projects underway for the exploitation of small mineral deposits, in particular for the production of gold, chrome, copper and zinc.

Speedily execute the projects underway for the exploration and exploitation of small mineral deposits, in particular for the production of gold, silver, chrome, copper and zinc. (225)

In the Congress debates it was decided to add exploration works for sustainability [of mineral extraction], and to add silver given the availability of economically exploitable reserves.

207. Carry out investments in the electronics and communications media industries to allow that which has been built up to be maintained and developed, in line with the country’s economic possibilities.

Carry out investments in the electronics, computer and communications sector so that the industry that has been built up can be maintained and developed in line with the country’s economic possibilities, with the aim of increasing exports, technological sovereignty and services according to the priorities to be established. (226)

The modification is aimed at better defining the scope and objectives of the guideline, given 730 opinions nationwide. 

208. Create organisational structures that integrate the processes of funding, R&D, production, engineering and technical support for products and services with high export potential. (Incorporated into guideline 132) 

Incorporated into guideline 132 because this guideline contains the same idea.

209. Promote design capabilities, integrating them into enterprises at the cutting edge of the sector.

Promote the organisation and development of capabilities for professional design services, as well as their integration into enterprise systems. (227)

The wording is improved to specify the content, and to broaden the scope to the entire enterprise system. 

210. Improve the capacity for identifying opportunities for technological innovation and for  monitoring the use of Cuban technologies, and strengthen the policy of patent registration and industrial property in Cuba and in the principle target markets, achieving international certification of products and systems. 

Improve the capacity for identifying opportunities for technological innovation and for monitoring of the use of Cuban technologies, and strengthen the policy for safeguarding industrial property in Cuba and in the principal external markets. (228)

Eliminates the reference to patents, given that they are part of industrial property. The certification of products and systems is also deleted because it is included in the current Guideline 216.

211. Continue developing the Cienfuegos Industrial Complex, which will supply high-value products such as ammonia, urea, liquefied [petroleum] gas and PVC. 

Continue developing the Cienfuegos Industrial Complex, which will supply high-value products such as ammonia, urea and liquefied [petroleum] gas. (229)

The reference to PVC is not specified at this time because it is being studied.

212. Boost the production of fertilisers with the recuperation of the ammonium nitrate plant and the rehabilitation of the granulated fertiliser plant in Matanzas province, promoting the use of Cuban raw materials such as phosphate and zeolite. Progress will be made in the substitution of herbicide imports.

Boost the production of fertilisers with the recuperation of the ammonium nitrate plant and the rehabilitation of the granulated fertiliser plant in Matanzas province, promoting the use of Cuban raw materials such as phosphate and zeolite. Advance in the substitution of herbicide imports and in the modernisation of the production capabilities for chlorine and salt, in line with projections. (230)

Incorporates the modernisation of the production capabilities for chlorine given its importance in water consumption [i.e. in purification]. Salt production is added because of its relevance for domestic consumption, given 21 opinions in seven provinces and the Congress debates.

213. Develop the production of new tyres, especially for agriculture and transport. Rehabilitate the tyre recapping plants to make use of their installed capacity and increase production of cold recaps.

Develop the production of new tyres, especially for agriculture and transport. Rehabilitate the tyre recapping plants to make use of their installed capacity, and increase production of cold recaps. Boost the production of rubber products. (231)

The production of rubber products that are under-supplied in the internal market is added, considering the existence of unused capacity. Given 19 opinions in six provinces.

214. Develop the container and packaging production industries on the basis of an integral conception of their activity.

Develop the container and packaging production industries on the basis of an integral conception of their activity. Prioritise the production of containers needed for export activities and the development of food production. (232)

Establishes priorities, considering the scope and complexity of this topic. In response to 36 opinions in 10 provinces and that of one National Assembly deputy.

215. Develop, in the construction materials industry, products of higher added value in order to meet the needs of the priority national investment programmes (in the first place industrial development, tourism and housing) and sales to the population, as well as to boost exports.

Recover and expand the production of construction materials in order to ensure supplies for the priority national investment programmes (industrial development, tourism and housing, among others), increased exports and sales to the population. Develop products with higher added value and quality. Achieve significant increases in the levels and diversity of local construction materials production, and publicise the regulations concerning the use of these materials. (233)

The development of local industries for the production of construction materials is added, 52 opinions in 12 provinces; the need to achieve quality improvements, 35 opinions in 11 provinces; and the importance of raising awareness to ensure the appropriate use of construction materials, as a result of the Congress debates. 

216. Carry out investments in the ferrous metals industry to expand capacities, reduce energy consumption, diversify the production of large iron sheets and of shaped metals; as well as to improve their quality, consolidate the iron-rods-wire productive chain and promote the production of their derivatives.

Carry out investments in the ferrous metals industry to expand capacities, reduce energy consumption, diversify the production of large iron sheets and of shaped metals; as well as to improve their quality. Consolidate the iron-rods-wire productive chain and promote the production of their derivatives. (234)

Improves the wording by separating different ideas contained in the paragraph.

217. Promote the intensification of recycling activity as a closed-cycle industry, which will require its recapitalisation and retooling.

Promote the intensification of recycling and increased value-adding in recovered products, prioritising activities of greater economic impact that require fewer resources and the recapitalisation of the industry in accordance with economic possibilities. (235)

Specifies feasibility of scope and indicates the importance of defining priorities according to the economic impact of each activity, given 478 opinions in 14 provinces and the Isle of Youth.

218. Undertake, in the mechanical industry, a process of resizing and reorganisation of the dispersed productive capacities in various ministries, carrying out investments to renovate machine tools and equipment that is technologically obsolete and in poor technical condition, in accordance with economic possibilities. 

Undertake, in the mechanical industry, a process of resizing and reorganisation of the dispersed productive capacities in various ministries, including the carrying out of investments to renovate machine tools and equipment that is technologically obsolete and in poor technical condition, in accordance with economic possibilities. (236) 

Allows for resizing and reorganisation that may not necessarily be associated with the carrying out of investments, given 36 opinions in 13 provinces and one National Assembly deputy.

219. Increase its exports, diversifying markets and taking maximum advantage of the possibilities for South-South trade, including the development of strategic links for industrial integration, cooperation and complementarity.

Increase the exports of the metallurgical-mechanical industry, diversifying markets and taking maximum advantage of the possibilities for South-South trade, including the development of strategic links for industrial integration, cooperation and complementarity. (237) 

The addition specifies the scope of the Guideline, limiting it to the metallurgical-mechanical industry.

 Undertake, in the short term, a process of reorganisation and restructuring of the enterprise system in light industry to allow for the elimination of excessively large structures and payrolls, as well as the technical-productive and managerial transformations required. (Maintained as guideline 238) 

221. Modify the management model for local industry, making its operation more flexible to allow for the development of artisanal production and the manufacture of consumer goods in small or medium-sized production runs, as well as the provision of repair and maintenance services. This includes the opening up of greater spaces for non-state [i.e. self-employment, small business and cooperative] activities. (Maintained as guideline 239)

- Translation: Guidelines Debate 24, Commerce
Here is the 24th and final instalment of my translation of the booklet Information on the results of the Debate on the Economic and Social Policy Guidelines for the Party and the Revolution, an explanatory document published together with the final version...

- Translation: Guidelines Debate 20, Energy Policy
Here is Part 20 of my translation of the booklet Information on the results of the Debate on the Economic and Social Policy Guidelines for the Party and the Revolution, an explanatory document published together with the final version of the Guidelines...

- Translation: Guidelines Debate 18, Agriculture
Here is Part 18 of my translation of the booklet Information on the results of the Debate on the Economic and Social Policy Guidelines for the Party and the Revolution, an explanatory document published together with the final version of the Guidelines...

- Translation: Guidelines Debate 14, Science/environment
Cuban biotechnologistHere is Part 14 of my translation of the booklet Information on the results of the Debate on the Economic and Social Policy Guidelines for the Party and the Revolution, an explanatory document published together with the final version...

- Translation: Guidelines Debate 9, Pricing Policy
Here is Part 9 of my translation of the booklet Information on the results of the Debate on the Economic and Social Policy Guidelines for the Party and the Revolution, an explanatory document published together with the final version of the Guidelines...

Cuba USA
