The United States exports criminals, not democracy
Cuba USA

The United States exports criminals, not democracy

by Atilio Borón
translation Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity

In Clarin newspaper last Sunday there is a small note be Gustavo Sierra entitled “The maras (gangs) bleed El Salvador”. (August 23, 2015, pg 32). In his article he reports the wave of violence shaking
that Central American nation: according to the author, 125 persons died in three days at the hands of these gangs and by the police or the army”. The report gives other details: the enormous rate of
homicides in El Salvador of today: 90 for every 100 000 inhabitants. The comparative figures revealed by the United Nations Office Against Drugs and Crimes reveals that in the United States there are 4,8 in Argentina 5,5; in Brazil 21,8 and Honduras 66,5. This same year the rate for El Salvador was 41,2. In other words the rate, in fact very high, more than doubled in less than three years, especially in the past few months.

Obviously there are many factors that explain this unfortunate result and is not the purpose of the report here. In fact Sierra’s note mentioned a few details but omits the violence that has erupted these days and what’s more important: the decision of the United States government to free hundreds, probably thousands, of these “maras” who were detained in several prisons of the country and send them back to El Salvador. This is not a friendly gesture towards the country of sending back this deadly group, but much more serious it implies “cleaning up” the lists of these delinquents who can no longer legally prevent their direct return to El Salvador. With their criminal records purged nothing can stop them and they return to their country of origin with clean records. A rotten thing, no less.
How to interpret this criminal decision? This could not have happened suddenly by the penal authorities to one day decide to release these “maras”. A policy of such transcendence is adopted at another level:
The State Department, the National Security Council and even the White House. The purpose: to generate a wave of violence to cause social unrest that destabilizes the Government of President Sánchez Cerén of the Farabundo Martín Front of National Liberation according to the United States’ priority of “cleaning up” as soon possible its Latin American back yard ridding the governments of the undesirables. This is such an immoral and delinquent act that has caused so many lives in El Salvador and will certainly cause many more in the near future. Indifferent to the consequences of its actions Washington continues to offer lessons of human rights and democracy to the rest of the world
while applying, without pause, tactics of “soft coup” against those who have the audacity to intend to govern with patriotism and for the benefit of the large majority of its people. The self proclaimed
“Manifest Destiny” of the United States is to export democracy and human rights around the world. What it exports, in fact, are criminals.

Dr. Atilio A. Boron
Researcher of Conicent
Researcher of IEALC, the Institute of Latin American and Caribbean
Studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Buenos
Director of PLED

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Cuba USA
