The Republican Case: A Dangerous Buffoon, a Lying Doctor and a Son who is a failure
Cuba USA

The Republican Case: A Dangerous Buffoon, a Lying Doctor and a Son who is a failure

by David Brooks
source La Jornada
translation Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity 

Bush mocks the proposal of the tycoon to deport 11 million illegal persons

The Contenders for the Presidential Elections of the Republican Party are now headed by a dangerous buffoon who is not funny, a lying doctor and even a son who has failed in the political dynasty, followed by a couple of conservative cuban americans recently caught in lying about their public and persona lives, even during the Cuban Revolution. 

This cast took part, Tuesday on the fourth debate of the Republicans in which Donald Trump repeated that he wants to deport 11 million illegal Mexican immigrants and build a wall (paid by the Mexicans). He stated that “walls work…ask Israel” (that may imply that the Mexicans would be treated as Palestinians).
However, the migratory subject divided the contenders: the former governor of Florida, Jeb Bush and the governor of Ohio, John Kasich expressed their opposition to massive deportation and proposed a solution that includes a certain form of legalization while other rejected what they called an amnesty for the illegal aliens.

They are applauding Clinton right now Bush warned in the debate answering the proposal of Trump on migration. A spokesman of Hillary Clinton answered with a tweet that in effect they were applauding.

Several, including the multi millionaire Trump and former neuro surgeon Ben Carson came out against an increase of the minimum wage claiming it harms the working classes and the minority and in no way, the US workers would have to compete with the rest of the world.

All agreed that Islamic terrorism is the main threat facing the United States and competed on who would be the most macho of them all, Russia and China.

To date Trump has managed to be at the head of the national surveys together with Carson in spite of many forecasts that his campaign would collapse each time he spouts a barbarity. However, a large sector continues enthusiastic about the outsider (of one who has never been a politician and owner of a large fortune that allows him to stick his tongue out at the other contenders assuming them of being puppets of the rich donors).

His anti immigrant rhetoric and opposition to free trade is welcomed by a white sector of the working class who are increasingly vulnerable and alien economically and socially and continue offering positive results to his campaign.

Trump was a guest in a popular live NBC comedy TV show – Saturday Night Live – last Saturday despite protests of groups and Latin congresspersons and defenders of immigrant who chanted that racism was no joke. In the program – that some critics characterized as a flop – Trump and the script writers tried to spark a controversy – unsuccessfully. In a sketch Trump already in the White House is enjoying the presidency when a visitor arrives.
Enrique – the President of Mexico arrives with a check to pay for the wall in the border and apologizes to Trump who amid protests answered: “How good, that will increase the ratings” and that is exactly what happened, It was free political publicity. 

On the other hand, neurosurgeon Carson who like Trump is in the lead of the Republicans according to surveys also benefited his image as the “outsider” since he has not won popular support.

Known for frightening statements voiced in a calm and restrained voice – Hitler would have killed less Jews if they had been armed; and more recently, when he said the pyramids of Egypt were originally grain warehouses. The minister of antiquities said there was no point in answering that statement. Carson was trapped in his own myths.

Last Friday the news channel Politico revealed that after an investigation that Carson apparently lied about details in his biography: that as a high school student he was invited to enter as a scholarship student in West Point. The university in their archives has no record that Carson was registered and explained that it does not offer scholarships since, like all military academies of the armed forces it is free for anyone accepted. It is not the first time that there are doubts in their biographies (by him and others); a version of the classical story in US mythology of the American dream.

Perhaps the most interesting of this episode in which Carson, in his autobiography, tells that as a young man he almost knifed a friend (later claiming that it was familiar) as one of the old examples of a violent temper that he finally overcame. None of his colleagues has been able to corroborate this news version while Carson criticized the media for not believing him. As commented by the comedian Trevor Noah in The Daily Show, perhaps it is the first time that a contender insists that the people should vote for someone who almost killed one of his family members.

Bush who is the first to take off on the electoral bandwagon is considered the favorite – almost automatically – among the republicans closely followed by Trump and Carson. The political dynasty of his family is in risk and does not show signs of a fast life, as is the hemorrhage of their donors and sympathizers. It didn’t help that his father and former president George W. Bush published in a book in which the collaborators of President George typified him as imprudent and arrogant and questioned the arguments of his son to invade Iraq since that also was a thorny subject politically for the contender to the throne of the family.

Meanwhile senator Rubio who some consider now as the savior of his party and emerging sign in this conflict was caught off base when it was discovered that as state congressman for Florida he used the official credit card of his party for personal use, including remodeling his house and a trip to Las Vegas that he tried to cover up. He claims to have returned everything and said it was a mistake.

The other Cuban American contender is Senator Cruz from Texas who also confronts questions on the versions he and his father promoted in the campaign on his participation in the Cuban Revolution. His father is a pastor and main promoter of his ultra conservative son’s campaign. As the story goes his father was a combatant in the forces of Fidel Castro and was with Frank Pais the day he was shot down. Historians and witnesses consulted by The New York Times Pais died seven months later in another place and no one recalls the Cruz father as a combatant although perhaps as a youth he just painted anti Batista slogans – and collected scrap metal – among those in favor of overthrowing Batista but not doing anything to achieve it.

Matt Taibbi, the well known political columnist of the Rolling Stones concluded that all the Republican contenders are mentally retarded and the world would be a safer world if they fell down a cobalt mine and were cannibalized.

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