Speeches delivered by the Republican and Democratic candidates regarding Latin America.
Cuba USA

Speeches delivered by the Republican and Democratic candidates regarding Latin America.

Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity

Primary elections are being held in the U.S. In this process one is elected by the democrats and one by the republicans. This first step is the battle between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. As for the Republicans more than 1 candidate is a contender since those with most delegates are Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.

The millionaire Trump has been widely reported in which he has difficulty pronouncing a speech that is politically correct, using his “sincerity” as a tool of marketing. This has cost him the aversion of important Republican Party members. His opponent, Cruz the first Hispanic-American to become a senator of the United States (for Texas) is of Cuban origin and an ultra conservative. On the democratic front the Clinton proposals demonstrate continuity with current status quo while Sanders makes several points for a Welfare State.

An issue of interest for Latin America, especially for Central America, is immigration. In general terms the Democrats can be said to regularize the situation of immigrants. The Republicans, on the other hand are bitterly against it. Cruz maintains that “the security of the borders is equivalent to national security. We need to strengthen our borders once and for all. We need to reform the migration law to protect U.S. workers”. Last year he declared that “the illegal migrants are an economic calamity for low salaried U.S. workers”.

Trump calls for deportation and is more controversial on this issue. In his web site he states that “Mexico should pay for the wall. However, if he should become president we would have to observe how he intends to do this. On the other hand it is worthwhile recalling that in a government controlled by the Democrats more massive deportations of Central American migrants have been done as occurred during the end of 2015 and early in 2016.

Another hot issue is the Free Trade Agreements. All, except for Hillary, are opposed to the neo liberalism of this issue.

Trump calls for a protectionist policy to safeguard US workers. He assures that he would put an end to disadvantageous relations of the US with China to favor industry and the local work force. He criticizes companies such as Ford for building plants outside the country that deprives work to “thousands of US citizens” and promises to charge “35% for each car, truck and spare parts built in these plants for sale in the United States”. This is rather strange since his own companies have been fomenting investments abroad through the real estate and tourism industries. Ted Cruz predicates against the “corporate wealth” promoted by the government such as the companies and industries supported by the Bank of Exports and Imports that guarantees purchase of US products abroad. He claims that these corporations do not need the help of the State.

On the side of the democrats Clinton expressed an interesting change of opinion regarding the Trans Pacific Agreement (TPA) in October of 2015 declaring that although it is good to have supported the initiative during her term as Secretary of State, now she is not sure that the Agreement can generate jobs and improve salaries. Sanders on the other hand openly opposes the FTAA stating that the “TPA was designed by large US corporations, the pharmaceutical industry and Wall Street (…). I don’t want the US workers to compete with the Vietnamese who earn 56 cents an hour to obtain a minimum salary”. In fact, as senator he voted against the FTTA (Free Trade Agreement of North America, the Central America Free Trade Agreement CAFTA) with the Dominican Republic, Central America and the US) and the PNRT (Permanent Normal Trade Relations) with China.

This situation requires clarity since the policy seems to halt neo liberalism (that has been especially supported from the US) and is not far from the policies promoted by the Latin American progressive governments that were condemned by the media and the US government.

In fact whoever wins this election it is probable that relations with Bolivia and Venezuela, countries that ‘are not friendly” will continue to be tense especially with Venezuela because of the oil issue. We know that there have been important changes between Republicans (Bush) and Democrats (Obama) against these governments since the guidelines of foreign policy seem to be in the hands of the establishment that “transcends” in the long run to the ideal of each party and responds to geo political and geo economic interests. It is expected that the democrats would be open to willingness and tolerance but that is not so. Hillary has not hidden her aversion for the Bolivarian Revolution. During the elections in the Electoral Assembly in Venezuela (2015) she declared that “the government of Nicolás Maduro has done everything possible to manipulate these elections”. The only one who seems to demonstrate a change is Sanders since, regarding Latin America, he claims that the “US should not interfere in the governments of other countries, even when our leaders to not agree on their leftist tendencies claiming that the FTTA is damaging for US workers and that the US can give and receive help from Latin America. Referring to Venezuela, Sanders achieved an agreement with the government of Chávez in 2006 by which he received cheaper oil for heating of the lower income population (with a 40 % discount) and 108 000 free gallons for the homeless in the state of Vermont.

Referring to Cuba, Hillary claims she pressured Obama to lift the US embargo that has been in force since 1960 since it favors Castro giving him excuses to blame the US for the economic problems of the Island while harming both the Cubans in the Island as US residents. However, she claims she will support the blockade until democracy establishes roots in the island. During a recent debate in Florida (March 9) Clinton justified US interventions in Latin America to guarantee political stability and citizen security while Sanders criticized strongly interventionism: “The US committed an error in trying to invade Cuba. It was an error to support persons intending to overthrow the government of Nicaragua. It was an error to overthrow the democratically elected government of Guatemala”

On the side of the Republicans, Ted Cruz (remember he is of Cuban origin) maintains that ‘the Castro brother carried out a brutal regime that oppresses, kills, tortures and jails its citizens”.

Both Hillary, as Cruz and Trump, each has their own style, considering that the US is an example for the world. Cruz claims: “America is an exceptional nation that others want to imitate”. Trump promises: “To make America Great again” and Hillary maintains that “America is a nation that is indispensible”. Surely this will have effect on her ideas and practices of foreign policy in general and towards Latin America particularly.


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