The call to FREEDOM
Cuba USA

The call to FREEDOM

My fellow FREEDOM fighters, Mambises, a diabolical tryanny has reigned over Cuba for 48 years. Emotions are running wild from the speech of President Bush. The emotions run from "
it's the same ole song and dance" to "first time a U.S. President called Cuba what it really is"
What do I think about the speech? I have mixed emotions, yes I do believe that Bush really wants FREEDOM for all Cubans. Will the U.S do anything about it? No! Every nation has a right to defend itself, but not Cubans! Kennedy betrayed us and basically took away a God given right for Cubans everywhere to FIGHT for FREEDOM. No Cuban outside of Cuba can go and fight against the apartheid dictatorship.
The Soviet Union has collapsed, the communist apartheid dictatorship in Cuba never kept its word and spread guerrilla warfare all over Latin America. That's OK for the UN, the World, and the press. How dare Cuban exiles or Cubans inside the island defend themselves from the gangsters in Cuber! Am I wrong here?
The world has turned its back and ignored this human tragedy for 48 years, you are an accomplice to this tragedy, Cuba will be FREE, the truth will reign and all the atrocities will be known!
Mambises, it's time for Cuba to be FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- El Cafe Cubano Poll: Cubans Want Freedom
In the spirit of polls and the accuracy(????) of the current political polls, El Cafe Cubano has conducted a poll on whether Cubans on and off the island want FREEDOM and the removal of the dictatorship. Very simple and it's official since all other...

- Sound Off
Fellow FREEDOM-fighters I am so sick of politicians promising this and that and really DOING nothing for Cuba. Kennedy first CASTROTated us by removing our God given right to defend country. We have waited fifty years believing and waiting for a politician...

- Anger........
After settling in late last night, I sat down to watch the tube and catch up on the latest news. I start to channel surf and I come across C-Span with Jose "can't you see that I am a communist" Serrano babbling on concerning Latin America. Now this...

- Last Ditch Effort
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- Let's Really Talk About Taboos!
Charles"raspy" Rangel and Jeff "snow' Flake have laid out what they call a "comprehensive" plan concerning relations with Cuba."Snow" Flake will even headline a forum called:"21st Century US-Cuba Policy Initiative." The talk is always about the fascination...

Cuba USA
