The 2008 Weblog Awards
Cuba USA

The 2008 Weblog Awards

The 2008 Weblog Awards

I was informed that El Cafe Cubano is one of the finalist for the Best Latino, Caribbean, or South American blog. Thank you to those who nominated this blog, but I feel that Yoani at Generation Y is more deserving of this award. Actually all those who constantly fight for Cuba's FREEDOM deserve this award, those who have died or have been executed deserve this award, the political prisoners in Cuba deserve this award, and ALL the Cubans on and off the island deserve this award. ALL you fellow FREEDOM FIGHTING bloggers deserve this award!

I am not telling you who to vote for(not my style), below are the finalist and please vote your choice:

Best Latino, Caribbean, or South American Blog

Dolar Paralelo
inca kola news
Generation Y
Mujeres camino al éxito
mUsiqUe auTomaTiquE
El Cafe Cubano
Luz de Luma. yes party!
Mambí en Acción

- "latino" Of The Week: Al Madrugal!
El Cafe Cubano nominates Al Madrugal the "LATINO" of the week for his comments and fondness for Cubans! His bio states the he is half white and half Mexican, but I believe it's more half comemierda and half postalista. For his nomination and...

- Hard To Be Humble Award
Dictator of Cuba boasting of his recovery all due to his the award for being hard to be humble goes to the dictator of Cuba. It was hard to pick a winner, because both the dictator and St. Ortega were running neck to neck for this award....

- Cardinal Jaime Ortega To Receive An Award In The U.s.
Excuse me con I'm sorry? For what? For looking the other way for DECADES while his fellow brethren were executed and imprisoned? Get this: The Knights of Columbus will award Cardinal Ortega the highest award: the Gaudium et Spes Award. What's...

- Adios To El Cafe Cubano?
This blog started out as a solemn promise to a special person and dedicated to a FREE Cuba. The struggle has been going on for 47 years with many frustrations and many deaths! The world does not seem to care. The world acts if the Cuban people deserve...

What a Disgrace! Pedro at Baracutey Cubano, has a post concerning Hugo Chavez to receive the Jose Marti award in January 2006. Yes folks, this commie receiving an award with the name of Jose Marti is a utter disgrace. The name of Hugo Chavez and Fidel...

Cuba USA
