The Sahell of Donatello by Kamu Brath
Cuba USA

The Sahell of Donatello by Kamu Brath


The Sahell of Donatello

Rome burns
and our slavery begins

in the alps
oven of europe

glacier of god
chad's opposite

industry was envisioned here in the indomitable glitter
it out proportions the parthenon

the colosseum is not to be compared with it
nor dome nor london bridge bernini bronze nor donatello marble

there is more wealth here than with the bankers of amsterdam
more power than in any boulder dam of heaven

volt crackle and electricity it has invented
buchenwald nagasaki and napalm

it is the frozen first atomic bomb
its factories blaze forth bergs and avalanches

its unships sail down rhine down rhone
down po down dan down tiber

to the black sea dead to the world
to the red sea of isaias

without it the sahara would have been water
latvium carthage tunis would have been dolphin towns

genoa would have become a finchal of the esquimaux
columbus would have sailed south along the congo's rivers

but being immobile here
more permanent than pope or charlemagne

it has burnt rome
but preserved europe

as it rises
chad sinks 

sahara wakes out slowly
the sly dry snake of the harm
attan reaches into our wells into our smiles. in

to our cooking pot oil.
in to the water re.flecting our walls in.

to our dry gully eyes

and the green brown dunn of sudan of rahdann of bel uur
of the great bent blow of the niger


crumbles into these flickering miles. the
silences of these hot holes of hell

drilled by the noon through the skull
into the bell of our belly

marrow burning its protein to gravel
skin mouldered to ash

holocaust of dome
heads propped up on sticks of skeletones

ball headed children
naked of all else but their large deep agate space age eyes

their chrystal tears all gone gone dead gone white gone salt gone silent

their large skulls cracked like eggs with dirt with puss with postule

who can no longer run or walk or even limp across these spaces

whose wordless cries come from a dry rag mouth around a dusty bone

my little halted lonely children of the desert

flies dying into crevices from all the fertile places

slack bladders of dried milk hung haggard from my mannequin

with only memories of nipple suck suck. ing their blistered lips. and the film crew cameras already closing in

like buzz like buzzards on this manscape moonscape in slow motion

herdsmen becoming scarecrows

their howls of silent dust wheeling across the supersands like paper water in the shadow of this snow and ice-cicle.this eye and eye-
less rise- ing gas face mountain

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Cuba USA
