Surfing the wave of FREEDOM!
Cuba USA

Surfing the wave of FREEDOM!

When will Cuba be FREE of 50 years of the same family ruling the entire island? When will the world simply ask the same question?

- Diana Nyad "xtreme Swim"
Cubans "XTREME DREAM" 1. FREEDOM 2. FREEDOM of Speech 3. FREEDOM To associate and assembly with whomever they want 4. Regime change(I believe 54 years is just a tad to much for one ruling family) 5. Justice for all the atrocities 6, For the media, the...

- "oas Ends Cuba Suspension After 47 Years"
Isn't that special! Cuba with no FREE elections and with ONE FAMILY ruling the island for 50 years is rewarded with a chance to rejoin the OAS. So what, it's still a dictatorship no matter how you try to spin it, all the concessions trying to...

- Thanks For Nothing Cardinal Bertone!
I see that Cardinal "Soprano" Bertone is worried about political prisoners. Oh yea he was so worried that while officiating mass, the Damas de Blanco(wives of political prisoners) were NOT ALLOWED in church. No mention of any political prisoner by name?...

- Surfing The Ultimate Freedom
Those who call themselves surfers know the awesome feeling of freedom while riding the wave. Nothing better than catching a glassy 4 to 6 foot wave and thanking God for this gift of freedom. When will we see the innocence and freedom seen in this child...

"If God wants me to die, I will die. I will be a Martyr for the Free information in the World"- Guillermo Fariñas Hernández The world continues to be silent, his simple request of freedom to information and to the outside world is denied. My question...

Cuba USA
