Silence from the Catholic Church
Cuba USA

Silence from the Catholic Church

Silence from the Vatican, silence from Archbishop Wenski, silence from the Catholic League.

Cuban Cardinal Jaime Ortega:

-Calling a group of Cuban opposition members "you all get your information from worm-infested Miami.

-Stating in an interview that their are "NO political prisoners in Cuba"

-Eight members of the Ladies in White activist attended a Catholic Mass wearing white , sitting in the pews in silence unless participating in the Mass. A priest in Cienfuegos expelled them from his service, ordering them never to wear white again in his church.

El Cafe Cubano Challenge: Those who are Catholic please wear white to Mass the next several Sundays to send a CLEAR and SILENT MESSAGE.

- Rumor Friday
Here is the latest installment of Rumor Friday: The Cuban dictatorship proclaimed that the government shutdown in the USA was due to the Embargo and the Cuban exiles....... Catholic Church opens business classes in Cuba ,but says asking for FREE...

- "cuba Welcomes Vatican Official"
"A top official from the Vatican Secretariat of State is in Cuba for a six-day trip that already has given him opportunity to express hope negotiations over political prisoners will continue to give fruit, and to reiterate opposition to the U.S. embargo...

- Can’t Put Lipstick On A Pig
Now matter how the media and apartheid dictatorship worshippers try to spin the retirement of the “reflective’ dictator, you can’t put lipstick on the transition(well actually raulita can wear lipstick) because it’s the same ole communist dictatorship....

- Catholic Church Outside Of Cuba Silent?
Catholic church where are you? The leading dissident against the apartheid dictator is in prison for speaking out against communism and ABORTION! No pro-life groups to the aid of Dr. Biscet? Thousands of e-mails to Catholic Churches and priest about the...

- Father Corapi
I know I am going to turn many of you off with this video! This is religious in nature and it deals with the unborn, but listen to the message! This also can be transferred to other areas, such as Cuba. How? well look at the silence, all those who know...

Cuba USA
