Father Corapi
Cuba USA

Father Corapi

I know I am going to turn many of you off with this video! This is religious in nature and it deals with the unborn, but listen to the message! This also can be transferred to other areas, such as Cuba. How? well look at the silence, all those who know all evil that is going on, yet do nothing! all the political prisoners: SILENCE, all the executions: Silence, the apartheid system in Cuba: Silence, all the destruction:SILENCE!


H/T to Catholic Fire and Promise to Our Lady

- A Silence That Speaks: Ayotzinapa And The Politics Of Listening
By Armando CarmonaSource Toward Freedom While the silence of the state reinforces its complicity in maintaining the drug war and the immense violence against the people of Mexico, the silence from below speaks of a shift in focus, where those at the grassroots...

- Catholic Church Outside Of Cuba Silent?
Catholic church where are you? The leading dissident against the apartheid dictator is in prison for speaking out against communism and ABORTION! No pro-life groups to the aid of Dr. Biscet? Thousands of e-mails to Catholic Churches and priest about the...

- When The Walls Come Crumbling Down....
The Adidas wearing apartheid dictator blames the U.S. on the events that occurred on Saturday at the airport. This regime has blamed everyone and anything for the continuous fiasco's that they have forced upon the Cuban people. No, the blame falls...

Media Bashing I know I am going to catch some flak for this, but I am going to harp on this until no end. So, here it goes again: "The Spanish media sucks here in the U.S." Why? It's because of their one-sideness of which group they target and what...

The Silence is Deafening CB at Killcastro and Ziva at Blog for Cuba again are the only ones speaking out for the balseros among the deafening silence. The Democracy Movement held a vigil and protest yesterday, but can you find anything in the media?...

Cuba USA
