Should I continue?
Cuba USA

Should I continue?

Sometimes I wonder if it's worth it doing this blog? Am I just simply preaching to the choir? I ask myself this question every once in a while. Last several discussions  with really nice people on the topic of Cuba(they asked me...I did not bring it up). I briefly told them how my family suffered under the communist dictatorship, and in general they agree that what happened was terrible. Now, what usually happens next always mystifies me; First, they ask me if I have visited Cuba lately, and the next question or comment that follows: "I heard the medicine in Cuba is great."  say what?? Were you not listening? MAYBE the PROPAGANDA(lies) for the last 55 years have been repeated so much everyone believes it to be true.

YET,  the ill informed never have heard of the actual atrocities or the Cuban reality. Today  an article in the Miami Herald, details an account from an actual political prisoner(actual pictures) how castro put dynamite under a prison that held political prisoners.

Thousands of more accounts, yet no one seems to listen...

- Rihanna In Cuba
                                  The caption for the picture above: "REBELLE WITH...

- The Propaganda Is In Full Gear: "cuba's Squeaky -clean Image"
I open the Miami Herald this morning and on the first page a post titled  " Relaxed travel rules may be test for Cuba's squeaky-clean image." We are talking about Cuba, a communist dictatorship  police state!!!!!  Executions, political...

- Que Bueno Este Pais
Looks like Boston bomber Dzhokar Tsarnaev quoted Jay-Z on his twitter on Monday evening:   "Ain't no love in the heart of the city."    "stay safe people." The bomber repays the USA by blowing up innocent people and...

- Mr. Camisa Roja
Remember the "kumbaya concert" held in Cuba by Juanes? Nothing changed in Cuba...raulita continued his "raulitalization" of Cuba by beating up ladies simply for marching for peace and for the release of the political prisoners in Cuba! Remember the...

- La Paz
Remember the "kumbaya concert" held in Cuba by Juanes? Nothing changed in Cuba...raulita continued his "raulitalization" of Cuba by beating up ladies simply for marching for peace and for the release of the political prisoners in Cuba! Remember the...

Cuba USA
