Reservations of the Ihanktonwan Oyate in South Dakota fight to protect sacred waters from the proposed Keystone XL pipeline
Cuba USA

Reservations of the Ihanktonwan Oyate in South Dakota fight to protect sacred waters from the proposed Keystone XL pipeline


Source: Indigenous Resistance

Totem Pole Journey. 

The House of Tears Carvers visited the reservations of the Ihanktonwan Oyate (Yankton Sioux) in South Dakota. While there, the journey met with elders leading the fight to protect sacred waters from the proposed Keystone XL pipeline and other fossil fuel megaprojects. Carvers put finishing touches on the totem pole and shared gifts with the elders of the Ihanktonwan Oyate people. Along the way to the Dakotas, carvers came across coal trains from the Powder River Basin.

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Cuba USA
