Refugees by Alice Walker
Cuba USA

Refugees by Alice Walker

They would not be running to us
If we were not chasing them
With the guns and bombs and rockets we sold
To crazy people:
Out of their houses
Out of their schools
Out of their mosques,
Away from their favorite
Prayer trees.
You are guilty America
Of arming the world:
If you could,
And to make money
You´d arm the Universe.
Ronal Reagan
Talking about
Star Wars
When he could barely
Let alone
Handle a laser?
That´s how deep it is
Our country´s need to control
The earth
That it never seems to care about
But it is not our country
Thar is at fault
It is the entities
Who have taken it over
Who might not even be
From here,
Which is my own belief.
But from some distant star
They camouflaged as ¨heaven¨
To make us think they were special;
Angels even. And not rapists of planets
Through the terror
And manipulation
Of war.

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Cuba USA
