Raúl Antonio Capote: A third generation Cuban spy.
Cuba USA

Raúl Antonio Capote: A third generation Cuban spy.

By Jorge Wejebe Cobo
Source: El Surtidor

To be a new kind of leader in the Cuban transition towards capitalism in the 21st century, the role of the Agency for a new kind of collaborator, intellectual or not a traditional leader of the so called opposition just that this same future of the Cuban counterintelligence foreseen for its collaborator and expect patiently trust the young leaders of young creators, Raúl Antonio Capote, his agent Daniel, who played the important role of neutralizing the plans to unleash general subversion in the country in the difficult summer of 2006.

At the beginning of the 80s of last century, much before than when the CIA adopted Raúl Capote as Cuban collaborator, intellectual from his native Cienfuegos who was a restless leader of the youth organization of young creators when all forms of battle against bureaucracy in culture and society were useless.

His passion since then was to be a writer and while he was achieving it confronted real or imaginary windmills that he considered prevented the free expression of his generation. In that manner he became the target of some officials who qualified him as hypercritical, disrespectful and even counterrevolutionary.
For the tasks of his position visited Havana regularly and met also with a climate of transgression the prevailed mostly in the young artists of fine arts that moved towards forms less conventional to make themselves felt in any scenario. 

In the UNEAC headquarters in the capital a conference by a German sexologist was interrupted by a young artist covered from head to toe in a pink cap imitating a giant penis and with a manual water pump that atomized an immense ejaculation on the surprised participants.

In the avenues of El Vedado there were artistic actions that consisted of scenes improvised trying to impose the most different forms of art. Some young people performed wrapped in aluminum foil, others tied to the fences with gags, with their bodies painted interrupting transit and provoking a scandal.

Many passers-by did not understand why their daily tranquility was interrupted with proposals of conceptual art that took the capital by these new plastic artists who considered that their contributions to this art in the course the country was taking in the process of rectifying errors and negative tendencies. 

In this manner each interpreted the phrase Fidel had expressed in a meeting with young creators these days when, in answer to questions by some participants expressed that an excess of liberty was preferable to none.

The initiative flared the capacity of cultural institutions to give recourse to these new critical artistic tendencies and making a difference between genuine ideas and some cultural expressions that others proposed to promote this art in the troubled waters that turned into to the purpose of taking out from the galleries and involving in more social processes.

The KGB and CIA. Undesirable patterns

Capote, who lived in this context of irreverence, enthusiastically joined the ranks of the discontents and his personality was registered by the systematic inquiries that the CIA made in the Cuban cultural environment, especially regarding the young people.

For the analysts of these agency it was similar to what happened with young creators in the island to protest movements like those that occurred in the GDR who decorated the walls of Berlin with graffiti with slogans and drawings against the government in tune with the almost total intellectual opposition to real socialism in Eastern Europe and to the defunct USSR.

Thus in the last years of the perestroika the Soviet system and to the majority of observers it was logical to take into consideration these expressions within the future forecast of the Island.

Because, although all roads lead to Rome, they do not necessarily have to be straight. The CIA did not approach Raúl Capote to begin any form of conspiracy. In those years probably it was only another file of operations about Cuba.

At the same time this practice of U.S. intelligence and its allies during more than half a century of secret war of socialism already defeated in Europe demonstrated that it was unnecessary and counterproductive to directly involve the intelligence services with the intellectuals. 

Experience gathered during decades indicated that artists and writers could be hooked to the strategies of the CIA using indirect methods of influence on the so-called “objectives” through hundreds of cultural creations, congresses and NGOs founded for the purpose of approaching any intellectual or personality in the world.

Through this intricate network of fronts the CIA could acquire “targets”, characterize their psychological profiles, establish their strengths, ambitions, defects and diagnose the treatment to follow to convince or buy consciences or influence them to accept these initiatives of the think tanks of the U.S. thinking, perhaps honestly, that they defended their own ideas, far from realizing that they were being manipulated by clandestine methods that were rejected by many liberal intellectuals for which the KGB and CIA were equally undesirable patterns.

It was also unjustifiable to run the risk with a Cuban because the classical profile of the spy of the old school, did not have access to secret information, nor were family members, neither important officials, nor high ranking officials who did not share any bed with any woman related to important political personalities.

The role of the CIA would surpass the role of a pacific bank of influences, managed from afar by an operators of the U.S. secret services, although their work surpasses to role of the spy involved in the theft of secret information and clandestine interviews to gather and send secret messages or search for plants of communication masked as artificial stones in highways and distant localities.

These occupations were tasks for more than thirty agents of the CIA station in the U.S. Interest Section in Havana for more than ten years until, in 1987; national television revealed that they all worked for Cuban counterintelligence.

Capote did not suffer any situation of a black novel in that decade and went from having long hair to a serious student of the José Antonio Varona Pedalogical Institute of Havana. 

But with the beginning of the 21st century and the defeat of soviet socialism, much had changed in the world scenario and a different future was planned for Raúl Antonio Capote by being the pioneer in the island that we could qualify as the third variant of espionage and subversion against Cuba.

By then Raúl Capote had finished his critical novel, The Adversary, contracted in the process of editing in 2004 by a Puerto Rican publishing house, interested mostly in young Cuban writers.

Now the author was recognized abroad. The special services of the U.S. had introduced him to officials of the U.S. Interest section in Havana to begin a relationship that lasted for several years that revealed a diplomatic saga of different characteristics, from some real cultural knowledge to others that did not hide their conditions of professionals of espionage.

Among all these Kelly Keiderling Franz was noteworthy, as an attractive official of impeccable dress, using the most exclusive perfumes had the ability of making conversations agreeable for her guests and was different from her colleagues in Havana by the intensity of her professional life that did not allow delays to achieve the success before reaching forty years of age.

She liked appearing in different scenarios where she worked. She was photographed in military activities using Ray Ban glasses with a serious expression as if she were involved in dangerous actions. She needed an adrenalin fix in another country. This time, in Venezuela in 2013 from where she was expelled for getting involved in actions that were not akin to her diplomatic condition.

Kelly had a fluid relationship with Capote and his family and introduced him for recruiting gradually until be sure that he had fulfilled his task seriously guaranteeing a new collaborator at the service of her government.

All the spies and collaborators of the CIA with whom Raúl Antonio Capote had relations considered him a gem of the agency. He had to impress them with his equanimity and security in himself and the economy of arm movements in his conversations in harmony with his appearance of a noble bear, well planted, measuring 6 feet and weighing almost 100 kilograms. He tended to listen with patience and did not hide his critical opinions and defended his ideas without bowing his head and without dependence that for some imposed strength that represented his U.S. interlocutors although showed himself convinced of the original values of United States democracy.

The prospect of the CIA waited patiently for U.S. intelligence to knock on his door and his expectations was surpassed by far in later years.

The man with the cap came with the night

A mysterious personage visited the house of Capote suddenly in the summer of 2004. He was tall, around sixty but the daily runs, exact weight and cap of the New York Yankees somewhat worn that covered his balding head gave him a youthful look. He presented himself as an official of the U.S. government and went on to explain that he had begun with his colleagues of the U.S. Interest Section in Havana without going back to from where he had come into the dark night in Vedado, Havana .

The envoy promised the Cuban to a head a Project named Genesis and thereby organize a cultural institution with young professionals chosen and approved by them. The first step would be founding the Online Literary Agency to group all the writers who wanted to be represented without any exclusion that would weaken all institutional work in the sector. 

The purpose of Genesis was to emerge as a nucleus of a future political opposition to the Cuban government during the periods of crisis, in face of political changes with the disappearance of Fidel, Raul or other events that would lead the country to changes in the political system.

Capote would write years later (…) “This organization was defined as a foundation for “the day after” a think tank that fulfilled a number of missions to prevent the generation continuation of the Revolution, its historical continuity and prevent Cuban from repeating in the future a process of revolution, socialism and anti-imperialism”.

He also pointed out: “The genesis foundation with well-oiled machinery, with well-trained leaders and activists, with well-organized networks, with a solid structure and means of financing well established would see the light as an NGO born in the midst of Cuban university ambiance, made up by young students and professors with a full knowledge of the main university youth organizations, with relations in the community, would receive immediate support by the United States and foundations, organizations and institutions at its service.

A “revolution of colors” and the future leaders of “Genesis”

Their plans were aimed at reproducing by which the Island would follow the downfall of the USSR and Eastern Europe but with an improved version, lacking improvisations that forced the official U.S. agencies and its intelligence community in face of the fall in record time of the so called real socialism.

This Cuban version of the beginning of a “Revolution of Colors” a strategy applied in the elimination of post-Soviet period by subverting and destroying governments not to their liking using alleged methods of non-violent and political struggles that would put into power allies of North America.

It was the Genesis program that approached most the repetition of the design of provisional government in exile as organized during the invasion of the Bay of Pigs in 1961. This was integrated by leaders of the counter revolutionary organizations that answered to the CIA and waited in a U.S. military base that would rise up in Cuban soil as authority; also “a day later” of the so expected military success of the failed invasion.

But, in this new situation, the defeat of the Revolution was expected to lead to an internal crisis that could open the door to a humanitarian intervention.

That moment seemed to arrive on July 31 of 2006 with the announcement of the serious disease of Fidel Castro and Capote became a source of important information on the reaction of the people, officials and intellectual sector facing the U.S. diplomats in Havana and Washington who could hide their euphoria and prepared plans for an eventual government crisis in the country and divisions of the officials of the country that they expected was around the corner. 

The young Cuba intellectual would become a leader when alleged anti socialist disturbances were unleashed in the Island. He was chosen by the heads of the Interest Section and U.S. special services to speak on the Television, the Network and foreign correspondents on behalf of an alleged opposition and request a process of transition to bring down the Revolutionary government and even United States intervention.

It seems that the wishes and excesses of imagination prevented the promoters of a false leadership of Capote to analyze the objective of the moment and rushed to prepare his speech for which they needed a background of a Havana taken militarily by troops T62 tanks of the Cuba army with popular uprisings in the style of Rumania in 1988 or of Moscow during the coup against Gorbachov in 1990.

But this was no time to prepare U.S. diplomats to re-invent TV programs to deceive the world regardless of the misinformation distributed in face of the majority support of the people and the dramatic waiting period expecting an improvement in the health of Fidel.

To be a new kind of leader during the Cuban transition towards capitalism in the 21st century the role the Agency prepared for its new style collaborator, an intellectual and not a traditional leader of the so called opposition only it was just the future of Cuban counter intelligence and waited patiently. They handed over to the collaborator the U.S. citizens that would guide the young rebel leader, Raúl Antonio Capote, their agent Daniel who played an important role to neutralize the plans to unleash a general subversion in the country during the difficult summer of 2006.

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Cuba USA
