OK so what's the deal with the dictator?
Cuba USA

OK so what's the deal with the dictator?

Please read this in a low whisper..no, even lower! Now that we are done with inauguration, when will we find out about the crusty dictator? Are we allowed to ask or find out?(I hope you read this part in a barely audible whisper!)
Are we Cubans allowed to ask for CHANGE?

- Doctor With Ebola Dies At Nebraska Hospital
Please read this article in a low whisper.....no, please in a very, very , low whisper. The media has ALL of the sudden forgotten about Ebola? Dr. Martin Salia, passed away from Ebola and NOT even a peep from the media. ...

- Where's Waldo.....i Mean Hugo?
Read this in a very low whisper......no...no...even lower. Where's Hugo? Even the dictator appeared at the "ONE PARTY" rigged vote several days ago in Cuba...

- Be Very, Very, Quiet!
Be very, very, quiet! No, no, we must read this post in a very small whisper...rumors from several days ago were that the dictator was dead...now the rumor mill says the adidas clad dictator is very "ill" and unconscious. No way of confirming this,...

- Is It Alive Or Deadorex?
Please read this in a very low whisper! No, lower my FREEDOM loving brethren! Rumors are flying concerning the diverticulitis dictator. Is he dead or alive? Has he been dead for awhile? Well, who would know since the dictatorship has lied since day one....

- Does Anyone Else See The Danger With China?
Please read this with a whisper, no, no, in a lower whisper! The media hushes this and all the commie lovers are SILENT. First it was the TAINTED dog food, now we find out that NO standard safety regulations with Beijing on food and with drugs. What?...

Cuba USA
