obama is just about in Cuba.....getting my Pepto Bismol ready!!
Cuba USA

obama is just about in Cuba.....getting my Pepto Bismol ready!!

It's Sunday hours before the Obama visit to Cuba and my stomach is already churning. The last several days all these reporters with the same line" It's historic, it's the first time in warp years that a US....blah ...blah""" Yet they barely mention anything about the over 200 arrested before the UN HISTORIC visit.

Just Obama conceding everything to the Cuban DICTATORSHIP and Cuba conceding NOTHING.

Just like the Pope's visit to Cuba......putting lipstick on a pig

- Fidel And Obama In Cuba: Now That Is Historic!
by Arnold August source alainet Much has been written and said about Obama’s trip to Cuba in the context of the developing Cuba–US relations. One of the themes deals with the historic nature of the trip. Some commentators say that it was historic....

- Historic Coverage Of The Pope's Visit To Cuba!
As with many Cubans, I have been preparing myself for the media coverage of the Pope's visit to Cuba for some time. I have to give a big THANKS to EWTN for telling the truth about the Cuban reality. They correctly stated that this is a communist dictatorship...

- Us Business Leaders Visit Cuba And Assess Cuba Business Climate
blah..blah...blah.....How many times do we have to hear when some US Official or Hollywood ELITE visit Cuba praise the Cuban DICTATORSHIP and tell the media: "We're very pleased to be here," Donohue said. "We're learning a...

- Cubans Condemn 52 Years Of The Castro Dictatorship!
blah..blah..blah...UN condemns US embargo of Cuba for 20th year..... ..and the Cuban dictatorship has terrorized(imprisoned, tortured, and killed the Cuban people for 52 years...

Pope gets invite to Cuba News is finally creeping out concerning the Cardinal's visit to Cuba. The dictator has invited the Pope to visit Cuba. CB at Killcastro has excellent commentary concerning the Cardinal's visit. I hope that we are wrong,...

Cuba USA
