Looking the other way
Cuba USA

Looking the other way

As a flawed spiritual person, my family and I attended our local Catholic church this past Sunday. We were met with a rousing and touching sermon dealing with on how Catholics attend church every Sunday, but during the week do nothing about Abortion and other moral issues. Very good message indeed, but this past Sunday in “Santiago de Cuba, a city in the Eastern province of Cuba, women pro democracy activists were savagely beaten and verbally attacked in the streets by Cuban State Security agents after they attended mass in the Basilica of “El Cobre”, a Catholic shrine dedicated to “Our Lady of Charity”, where they prayed for the freedom of all Cuban political prisoners and for the freedom of Cuba.”

The Catholic Church silent and looking the other way…….

Dr. Biscet the leading dissident against the apartheid dictator spent years in prison for speaking out against communism and ABORTION! No pro-life groups came to the aid of Dr. Biscet? Thousands of e-mails to Catholic Churches and priest about the Friday fast for political prisoners in Cuba and NOTHING, ZILCH!

Yet Cardinal Jaime Ortega received an award (Eighth Gaudium et Spes Award Honoree ) from the Knights of Columbus back in 2010 and that gets press???

The Archbishop of Miami (Archbishop Wenski) has traveled to Cuba several times and I wonder what his thoughts about the beatings that happened right after mass this past Sunday???

- Silence From The Catholic Church
   Silence from the Vatican, silence from Archbishop Wenski, silence from the Catholic League. Cuban Cardinal Jaime Ortega: -Calling a group of Cuban opposition members "you all get your information from worm-infested Miami....

- Retired Archbishop Of Santiago De Cuba Died In Miami July 21
Press Release from the Archdiocese of Miami: Funeral arrangements set for Archbishop Pedro Meurice, 79 Retired archbishop of Santiago de Cuba died in Miami July 21 Thursday, July 21, 2011 Communications Department - Archdiocese of Miami Due to the death...

- Cuba: Ladies In White, Beaten, Dragged, Stoned After Mass - July 17, 2011
SANTIAGO DE CUBA: LADIES IN WHITE, BEATEN, DRAGGED, STONED AFTER MASS ON JULY 17, 2011 In Santiago de Cuba, a city in the Eastern province of Cuba, women pro democracy activists were savagely beaten and verbally attacked in the streets by Cuban State...

- Can’t Put Lipstick On A Pig
Now matter how the media and apartheid dictatorship worshippers try to spin the retirement of the “reflective’ dictator, you can’t put lipstick on the transition(well actually raulita can wear lipstick) because it’s the same ole communist dictatorship....

- Memo To Top Roman Catholic Leaders Who Met In Cuba
MEMO: What about FREEDOM for the Cuban people? Why don't you ask for the release of ALL political prisoners? Why don't you call for FREE Elections? The leading dissident against the apartheid dictator is in prison for speaking out against communism...

Cuba USA
