Letter to the Pope!
Cuba USA

Letter to the Pope!

My fellow FREEDOM loving brethren......Below is a letter that I e-mailed to Pope Francis, I urge all of you to send an email, fax, or call the Vatican to request that the image of Che be removed, or covered during the Holy Mass on September 20, 2015 at 9:00AM

The Pope does not have his personal email listed , but the vatican provides this e-mail:

[email protected]

Your Holiness,

This is a letter to wish you well, that God will bring you many blessings, and to ask your help in regards to Cuba.  On September 20 (Havana) the Holy Mass is scheduled for 9am in Havana’s Revolution Square.  The first request for help:  Please cover the image of Che Guevara, and have the image of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ instead!  The image of Jesus Christ beaming to millions on TV and to those in Cuba is more reflective of the sacred mass, than the image of an executioner of the Cuban people.

The second plea for help: Please allow the Damas de Blanco (Ladies in White) to attend the Holy Mass on September 20, 2015!



Thank you and God bless!



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Cuba USA
