Inspector Jacques Clouseau moment
Cuba USA

Inspector Jacques Clouseau moment

The dictator of Cuba is warning the dictator of Venezuela "to watch out for U.S.-backed assassination attempts, telling his close friend and socialist ally to avoid open-top vehicles that could be targeted by snipers. "

Is this a Inspector Jacques Clouseau moment or what? Why would the bearded Adidas wearing dictator know of open- top vehicles and sniper assassinations? Could it be that he knows something of let's say Dallas and JFK?

- Inspector Clouseau To Lead The Un Weapons Cargo Inspection Of Cuban Ship......updated********
El Cafe Cubano has learned that Inspector Clouseau will be the lead investigator for the UN. The good inspector will lead a team to "FACT FINDING"  mission concerning the Cuban ship that was found in Panama to have "240 tons of weaponry" -Early...

- Mini-me Chavez To Kick Out Any Foreigner Who Criticizes Him
Now the oil pimp wants to kick out any foreigner who dares to criticize him in Venezuela. Yeah, real democratic this Bolivarian Revolution! This "21st-century socialism" sounds like good ole fashion communism to me! Don't you love this quote: "He...

Sheehan praises mini-me Anti-American Cindy Sheehan is in Venezuela singing the praise of the communist. Get a load of this quote: "I admire him for his resolve against my government and its meddling" She mentions that the Venezuela's foreign ministry...

Propaganda The dictator offers to fly 150,000 Americans to Cuba for eye surgery. Problem is that all the doctors are in Venezuela and Cubans are left with few doctors. Hey wait a minute, I feel an Inspector Clouseau tip surfacing up: could it be that...

Hunger Strike As most of you know by now the 15 balseros were returned today. Again we should be incensed about the lack of media coverage. Can you believe this crap: "The `bridge' is kind of a misnomer,'' said Coast Guard Lt. Commander...

Cuba USA
