Dictator of Cuba and his twitter
Cuba USA

Dictator of Cuba and his twitter

Several news organizations boasting that the communist dictator has over 100,000 followers.....so what!!! How can this be a news item? the dictator will not even let his own people use the internet FREELY!

- "fidel Castro Slams Secret Bilderberg Group"
What you talking bout willis? Dictator castro slamming the Biderber group: "“has become a kind of global government, controlling not only international politics and economics, but even culture.” Hmm...sounds like the dictator was talking about...

- "never Appear In Public Again"
NOW HEAR THIS...El Cafe Cubano is not stating that the addidas clad dictator is dead nor the pesky exiles.. Excuse me with I'm sorry chico, it's mini-me chavez stating that the dictator will NEVER appear in public again! O.K. mini-me what does...

- Rumor Friday.......
We still don't know if the apartheid dictator is really dead or not. Every Friday El Cafe Cubano will dish out the latest: -The real reason the Adidas wearing dictator can not be seen in public is that he is now obsessed with wearing "I LOVE YOU...

- Media Bias
Last night while watching a "certian" Spanish language news program, I was shocked at how with such glee they reported that the dictator was alive and showed that stomach turning video of mini-me and the dictator. The way they potrayed this was sickening...

Dirt on the dictator Don't get me wrong here it's cool that he is spilling the dirt on the dictator, but where's the beef? Yeah, it's weird that he burns his underwear and that he loves Serrano hams. What about all the political prisoners,...

Cuba USA
