Cuba continues to move forward. What is the problem?
Cuba USA

Cuba continues to move forward. What is the problem?

By Ramón Pedregal Casanova

Now that capitalism threatens to burst, now that it moves madly ruining everything it touches, the light of the Cuban experience continues to bright. That the glimmer of stolen coins throughout the world will not substitute nor unravel political and social conscience because Obama uses words that appear new and however, want the old objective of corruption, of lethargy, individual competitiveness, as any weapons abandons the common essence of independent sovereignty, of popular power, of a historical social value: the revolutionary ethics demonstrated by the Cuban people since 1959. Cuba continues to move forward with its resolutions.
But when tortures and darkness//appear to shut down free air//and the spray of the waves is silent// the blood among the reefs//there is the hand of Fidel and in it//Cuba, the limpid rose of the Caribbean//And that way shines the light of History//that man modifies what exists//and goes to battle with purity//in his honor the famous spring opens//.
“Cuba aparece.” From “Canción de Gesta”,
Pablo Neruda.

There is a threat now that occupies the world, capitalism is bursting at its seams; exhausts natural resources, artificially inflates its economy, generates wars of recolonization and supremacy, ignores the minimum rules of respect for the peoples and nations and Obama brags to his congresspersons in the Imperial Court: “The United States of America is the most powerful nation in the world. Period. “I should add that at the cost of the worse moment the world has ever known. Capitalist realism makes inroads against Humanity. In face of its decadence and neo colonial greed builds geo strategic alliances of forces that search for an alternative, demand space and want equality.

A historical period opens with multi variables between danger and hope.
We should be wary, active in ethics and social justice as a policy; a change of scene approaches the world. Will we be able better to unite the forces of hope, of practice for the people to be owners of their common wealth, of their social wellbeing, their defense.

In the center of our History there is a reference that the Empire tries to silence, lifts walls of information and economic blockade, blockade, blockade and blockade the only end that it does not recognize Independence, ethics, social justice and international solidarity they build. For Cuba the empire denigrates, the financial violence; financing the mercenaries and the unpatriotic and although lately Obama has toned down his language observing the essential changes of his behavior to put an end to the blockade and return Guantanamo, and extradite terrorist such as Luis Posada Carriles, The rest of the governments of the world have recognized in the UN that actions against Cuba are proof of the violent and thieving character of the imperial government.

It is difficult to explain how Cuba with a small society represents so much for the peoples who aspire for freedom and why it disturbs so much that very same empire that, however, they join to perform serious crimes in other lands.

The Cuba revolution was born against the empire, against corruption, poverty, social injustices, for Independence. The Cuban revolution is not a calendar that is changed after a set number when the year ends; it is a transformation taken up by the people who developed in the same battle that the enemy wages, capable of creating once and again the keys to the answer within the spirit of socialism. In its day, this 1959, the very same revolutionary force of the people tore down injustice, social relationship changed, material goods were distributed; teaching expanded, as well as medicine, in solidarity that transformed the country.

How different Cuba from the Empire whose value is money, the wrongful appropriation at the cost of the rest; how different because human values and ethics have been the body of socialist Cuba and that is recognized in History. The conduct of Cuban revolutionaries with a well proven solidarity. The conduct of the Empire with exploitation is also proven.

Now capitalism threatens to burst, now its furious conduct ruining everything it touches. It is necessary in the light of this Cuban experience to continues high; that the shining coins robbed everywhere in the world be not substituted,, emptying political and social conscience because Obama uses words that seem new and for example maintaining the old objective of corruption, lethargy, individual competitiveness, any weapon to abandon the common essence of its independent sovereignty, of popular power, of historical social values: revolutionary ethics was demonstrated by the Cuban people in 1959. Cuba continues forward with its resolutions. What is the problem? Experience has taught that memory is a resource to employ, ethics, soiidarity, the common good, a fact always confronting the Empire of capital that now begins to crumble. It searches for recolonization to lengthen its agony and we must protect conscience in the changes that the people and government are introducing; changes that like the new year are in accord with the necessary for the coming times. The force of socialism has Cuba as a reference, so hated by the Empire and so strong against terrorism, human exploitation, corruption; wars of conquests that in its decadence the Empire has waged and now quickens.

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Cuba USA
