CUBA: Prisoner of Conscience tortured since November
Cuba USA

CUBA: Prisoner of Conscience tortured since November

December 11, 2006


I denounce the abuses and mistreatment to which my husband, DIOSDADO GONZALEZ MARRERO, is being subjected. He is a prisoner of conscience, serving a 20-year sentence in the Provincial Prison Kilometro Cinco y Medio in Pinar del Río Province in Cuba.

Capitan Pedro Linares, a State Security agent, has ordered officials of the prison to punish my husband. On November 16, 2006, they placed him in an enclosed cell and have taken away all his rights. He can not communicate with his family nor can he go out into the sun and fresh air. In addition, he is denied additional food brought to him by his family. The water in the prison is contaminated and is not fit to drink.

The motive for his punishment is because my husband was living among common prisoners who carry knives and other sharp objects. Upon seeing that his life was in danger when one of the common prisoners was placed in his cell, he asked prison authorities to relocate him to another place where he would feel safe. The request was denied, and for this reason, he was moved to a place of torture. Previously, my husband has been the victim of physical abuse. The official, Diego Martinez Garcia, has beaten my husband while he was handcuffed and his feet were shackled.

I have spoken with prison authorities, and they have told me that they will keep my husband in punishment until he withdraws his petition for a change of living quarters.

I consider this a method of torture in order to humiliate and denigrate Diosdado’s dignity. I ask all of you, please, to intercede before the Cuban government on behalf of this situation.

Thank you,

Santa Rita 29, Roque, Perico
Matanzas, Cuba

Diciembre 11 de 2006


Denuncio los abusos y maltratos que estan aplicandole a mi esposo, DIOSDADO GONZALEZ MARRERO, prisionero de conciencia quien cumple una condena de 20 a~nos en la carcel Provincial del Kilometro Cinco y Medio en la Provincia de Pinar del Rio, Cuba.

El capitan Pedro Linares, agente de la Seguridad del Estado, ha ordenado a los funcionarios de la prision que castiguen a mi esposo, por lo que lo han introducido en una celda tapiada desde el 16 de noviembre y no tiene derechos ni a la comunicacion con la familia, ni a tomar el sol y el aire libre, ni tiene la alimentacion adicional de la jaba familiar. El agua en la carcel esta contaminada y no sirve para beber.

El motivo del castigo ha sido porque mi esposo se encontraba conviviendo con prisioneros comunes que portan cuchillos y objetos cortantes. Al ver esto me dice que corre peligro su vida pues le introdujeron en su celda uno de ellos y les ha pedido a las autoridades carceleras que lo ubiquen en otro lugar donde se sienta seguro. La peticion le ha sido negada y por ese motivo se encuentra en el otro lugar de tortura. Con anterioridad, mi esposo ha sido victima de maltratos fisicos pues el oficial Diego Martinez Garcia ha golpeado a mi esposo con las manos y los pies esposadas.

Yo he conversado con las autoridades de la carcel y me han dicho que lo mantendran en castigo hasta que el desista de hacer la peticion de cambio.

Considero que esto es un metodo de tortura para humillar y denigrar la dignidad de Diosdado. Les pido a todos, porfavor, intercedan ante el gobierno cubano pro este hecho.


Santa Rita 29, Roque, Perico

Matanzas, Cuba


Ver carta original en adjunto, enviada desde Cuba a la Coalicion de Mujeres Cubano-Americanas/ LAIDA CARRO. Fax: 305-740-7323 / Direccion electronica: [email protected]

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