Cheny´s prayer by *Atilio Boron
Cuba USA

Cheny´s prayer by *Atilio Boron


“My thoughts and prayers are with the Iraqi oil wells”. “A declaration made by Dick Cheney ( , ex vice-president of the US under George W. Bush. A war criminal who along with his boss, George W. Bush invaded Iraq and destroyed one of the oldest civilizations in the planet, killing more than 1 million people and the displacement of many millions. He also altered for bad the delicate political equilibrium that had made possible for the diverse Islam groups to coexist in one country. This person was for many years a member of the Halliburton directory while he was still a vice-president. Many accusations have shown that between 2003 and 2006 this enterprise was awarded with ¨reconstruction contracts¨ in Iraq worth 16 million dlls.

After the so call civilizing task of the North American troupes, Iraq sunk in a fratricide violence rarely seen before. Cheney now admits what we knew, a North American underlay preaching lie. He declared that the US was going to Iraq to deliver freedom, justice, and human rights; exactly the same that they are trying to do in Syria, Ukraine and Venezuela. We need to be in constant vigilance to thwart their dark plans.

What Cheney reveals could be described poetically, by paraphrasing a Beatles theme: "All you need is OIL, OIL is all you need".

It´s not love but oil. He does not pray for the disease or mutilated and the dozens of orphans, this model statesman of the exemplary US democracy prays for the oil and for the millions that Halliburton and the North American oil companies can lose, the rest does not matter. He is a scoundrel, but let´s face it, at least he is honest.

* Director of PLED, Centro Cultural de la Cooperación Floreal Gorini.

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Cuba USA
