Black Friday Riff
Cuba USA

Black Friday Riff

By Mankh (Walter E. Harris III)
Source Axis of Logic

The day after quietly giving thanks,
the mad dash getting stuff!
Key word “sale” triggering
the Pavlovian Pamplona,
running of the bull market.

In economic jargon
black is good,
red is bad,
red ink for debt,
black, profit.
For prison-industrial-complex
Black is good,
prisons built, beds filled, town economies
in the black.
Red, not so much,
already on reservations...
but protecting the resources.

The Native Peoples’ Day of Mourning
how Pilgrims with black hats (black, profit)
tried to eradicate them, their culture,
and still trying (black briefcases)
is followed by Native American Heritage Day
(same day as Black Friday).

On the streets of Ferguson, Missouri
--and cities across America--
downtrodden too long,
Black uprising.

Under those streets
Red roots,
black soil.

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Cuba USA
