Barbados’ Crime: the Suffering of an Entire Nation
Cuba USA

Barbados’ Crime: the Suffering of an Entire Nation

Source: cadenaagramonte

The bombing of the Cubana airliner off the coasts of Barbados was not an isolated case in the history of the State-sponsored terrorism against Cuba. That crime on October, 1976, in which 73 people died, was one of the many atrocities fuelled by the hatred of the US Governments against the Cuban Revolution. Camagüey province did not escape to such hatred. Dozens of families in this “soft land of shepherds and hats” – as Cuba’s National Poet Nicolás Guillén described this portion of the island once- have suffered the loss of a son, brother or friend. 

There are many anecdotes, some more appalling than others, above all when these stories are narrated by witnesses of these acts. 

Domingo Pérez Marrero, who is today a member of the Association of Combatants of the Cuban Revolution(ACRC), is one of those people who know well the history of Camagüey when the counter-revolution, organized and paid by the Washington, took its toll on human lives in this territory. 

Domingo also remembers with sorrow when in the 1960’s –a decade in which the island nation was very much depended on the sugarcane business- plantations were often burned down by the foes of the Cuban people. 
“Several of these acts,” Pérez Marrero says, “were executed by counter-revolutionary people who received from enemy radio stations instructions on what targets they had to attack, as well as the places and the modus operandi so that these attacks were more effective.” 

The use of mass media aimed at destabilizing domestic order in Cuba has always been a recurrent ideological weapon by the United States, but the transmissions of the ill-named radio and TV Marti to topple the Revolutionary Government proved to be unsuccessful. 

However, this destabilizing method has not been scorned by the US agencies; on the contrary, this has become sophisticated in the face of the emergence of Internet and cellular phones. These new communication technologies are used today to spread subversive messages addressed to the Cuban youth. 

None of the above-mentioned attempts have achieved their targets; instead the support of the inhabitants to the Revolution grows as well as their longing for justice. 

It is ironic that while the responsible for these crimes have escaped from justice under the protection of successive US administrations; Ramón Labañino, Gerardo Hernández and Antonio Guerrero –three of the five Cuban heroes of the fight against terrorism who were arrested and sentenced 16 years ago precisely for preventing more suffering to the Cuban people- still remain in US jails. 

On a day like today, as it has happened over the last 38 years, we talk and write about Barbados crime, about the victims of terrorism, about the suffering of thousand families. 

And as our leader of the Cuban Revolution said: “In the face of cowardice and the monstrosity of such crimes the people get fired up and each man and woman becomes a fierce and heroic soldier willing to die”

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