"Texas business leaders head to Cuba for a front-of-the-line position for renewed trade"
Cuba USA

"Texas business leaders head to Cuba for a front-of-the-line position for renewed trade"

A delegation of Texas business leaders are in Cuba today to discuss with the Cuban dictatorship the issue of trade.

North Texas wheat farmer Ben Scholz:

"I'd rather stay out of the political conversation,"

"I just want to focus on selling wheat, and this is a great opportunity to do that

Well, this dawg don't hunt! El Cafe Cubano is fixing to tell you something......

at least Mr. Shultz is honest about his intention of only doing business and making money in Cuba. Nothing wrong with that......BUT you see EVERYTHING with the Cuban DICTATORSHIP is about POLITICS!!!!!!

What about the CUBAN PEOPLE?

What about the Human Rights Violations?

No FREEDOM ?????????????

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More on 'Unfair" Trade Agreements with Cuba Here is a press release from Agriculture Commissioner, Roger Johnson of North Dakota. A record $20 million dollar deal with Cuba was inked with the brutal regime. I am sure a great deal of "fact finding"...

Cuba USA
