"Cuban dissidents heckled at Americas Summit"
Cuba USA

"Cuban dissidents heckled at Americas Summit"

From the AP:

Associated Press

- Statement By The Cuban Delegation To The Parallel Forums Of The Summit Of The Americas
source Granma At apress conferenceheld on April 7 inthe JoséD.Moscote Auditorium of the Faculty of Economics, University of Panama, the “Statement by the representatives of Cuba at the parallel forums to the Summit of the Americas was presented. The...

- The Oas And Cuba-u.s. Negotiations
by Jane Franklinsource progresoweekly The White House is desperately trying to preserve the OAS as its primary organization for managing Western Hemisphere Affairs. After all, the Organization of American States is based in Washington and it used...

- Venezuela, Cuba And The Summit Of The Americas
by Angel Guerra Cabreratranslation Cuba-Network in Defense of Humanity US president Barack Obama seems obstinate in marching towards an inevitable disaster in the 7th Summit of the Americas to be held in Panama from April 10 to 11, 2015. Despite the calm...

- Oas Member States Say Summit Of The Americas Impossible Without Cuba
Source Cuba MINREX Nicaragua denounced on Wednesday Cuba's exclusion from the Organization of American States (OAS), saying that holding another Summit of the Americas without the Caribbean island's presence was impossible. The remarks were made...

- "cuba Arrests 90 Dissidents At Protest March"
I thought by opening the Embassies, trading straight up for Alan Gross, and the dialog between the US and Cuba that things would be better for the Cuban people? That's the whole arguement and premise frpm all the classic car lovers...

Cuba USA
