"Cuba holding political prisoners, says Catholic Church"
Cuba USA

"Cuba holding political prisoners, says Catholic Church"

What? I thought Cardinal Ortega said convincingly that their are NO political prisoners in Cuba and it was just the imagination of the "worms" in Miami? Now, a brave bishop, Jorge Serpa, says YES their are political prisoners in Cuba.

- Looking The Other Way
As a flawed spiritual person, my family and I attended our local Catholic church this past Sunday. We were met with a rousing and touching sermon dealing with on how Catholics attend church every Sunday, but during the week do nothing about Abortion...

- Cardinal Jaime Ortega Says Cuba To Release Last Of Black Spring Dissidents
Cardinal Ortega did finally talk to the freed political prisoners, and he mentions that Cuba will release the remaining political prisoners involved in the Black Spring arrest.(We will see) Yet...we all wonder...when will he talk about the FREEDOM...

- "cuba Welcomes Vatican Official"
"A top official from the Vatican Secretariat of State is in Cuba for a six-day trip that already has given him opportunity to express hope negotiations over political prisoners will continue to give fruit, and to reiterate opposition to the U.S. embargo...

- Thanks For Nothing Cardinal Bertone!
I see that Cardinal "Soprano" Bertone is worried about political prisoners. Oh yea he was so worried that while officiating mass, the Damas de Blanco(wives of political prisoners) were NOT ALLOWED in church. No mention of any political prisoner by name?...

Fasting for Fariñas and all political prisoners "If God wants me to die, I will die. I will be a Martyr for the Free information in the World"- Guillermo Fariñas Hernández Let's continue to show our support for this brave freedom fighter and...

Cuba USA
