"A Commie Propaganda Cartoon"
Cuba USA

"A Commie Propaganda Cartoon"

"A Commie Propaganda Cartoon" posted by Jose Reyes at CUBANOLOGY.COM

Recommended by Agustin Blazquez

Visit: http://cubanology.com/Articles/commiecartoon.htm to read about it.
A cartoon appeared on the Washington Post on August 22nd 2007 . . .. "Mr. Oliphant has his opinion and so does the Washington Post, that's understood here, but this is a direct attack on all Cubans outside of Cuba and an indirect attack on all the freedom loving Cubans inside of Cuba. The Washington Post is also open for criticism in this case because they took it upon themselves and assumed responsibility to post this decrepit statement on their commie loving newspaper and website. . .."

Read more at: http://cubanology.com/Articles/commiecartoon.htm

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Cuba USA
