Cuba USA

Mini-me #1 and Mini-me #2 to protest Bush at the Summit

Chavez and Maradona to protest Bush at the summit, which is taking place on November 4-5th. What a surprise! The fan brigade will be out again using the all to familiar communist playbook. Wait a minute, hold the phones, the media will cover and eat this up, while over 40 years they ignore the plight of Cuba? Now in the spirit of soccer , after seeing maradona(post plastic surgery) interviewing castro and having to stomach all that fawning, wouldn't you like to kick his as...

Read the story here.

- Commie Speak 101 Concerning Mini-me Chavez
Click here for the story. "Vice President Nicolas Maduro surprised Venezuelans with a Christmas Eve announcement that President Hugo Chavez is up and walking two weeks after cancer surgery in Cuba, but the news did little to ease uncertainty surrounding...

Mini-me says: "Bush worse than Hitler" Wait a minute, didn't Mini-me make anti-jewish statements, doesn't support Israel, and is taking basic freedoms away from the Venezuelan people? Seems like the name calling is misdirected at the wrong person...

Freedom Loving Blogs What can I say concerning the herculean efforts of these blogs dedicated to the FREEDOM of Cuba: Babalu has an excellent post concerning a Canadian city council member, who is a fan of leche guevera. Spread the word about this commie!...

Cubans protesting at Summit? Ricardo(Tricky Ricky) Alarcon and 300 Cubans are gathered in Argentina to protest the summit. Wait a minute Tricky Ricky, just like the people of Cuba are allowed to protest? You will get your photo opportunities, give cream...

Interview by Maradona Mini-me #2, a hard hitting investigator, with a nose for the truth in journalistic valor, interviews dictator castro. Read here an excellent post concerning this "lovefest" on this freedom loving blog: BlogforCuba....

Cuba USA
