Cuba USA

Communism Kills

All you lefties with all your jargon revolutionary soundbites(Che Guevera T-shirts included) how can you defend someone like Mao Tse-tung, who according to this article is responsible for 77 million deaths. How about this: "Marxist regimes murdered nearly 110 million people from 1917 to 1987 " and this: "And what did Marxism, this greatest of human social experiments, achieve for its poor citizens, at this most bloody cost in lives? Nothing positive. It left in its wake an economic, environmental, social and cultural disaster. "

Read the rest of this great article here.

New T-shirt Ideas:

Merry Christmas(can we say this anymore, thanks to all the lefties ruining this country)

Marxism Kills(77 million and counting)

Nuclear energy Program(Don't worry about Venezuela)

Keep the U.N. out of the Internet!

If Cuba is so great, why do they all want to vacate

Free healthcare, so why all the despair.

Castro lives like a king, but the Cuban people have nothing.

Carter is in Venezuela one day and out

God(I know this is highly offensive to many, and you probably could not wear this in many public places. Wear at your own risk!!!)

- Lefties Talk The Talk, But Don't Walk The Walk
Check out Michael" I love Cuba's healthcare system" Moore's SUMMER home in the above picture. He wants you to believe that he is NOT in the 1% of Americans as he says who have all the wealth, yet.......he has this summer home, that...

- Merry Christmas Instead Of Happy Holidays
It seems more people are saying Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas? They seem scared to offend (Christians can be offended)anyone by saying Merry Christmas. Now I need to warn you because what I say next might very OFFENSIVE to many: Merry...

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I get home last night after a rough day and I start checking my e-mail. I get this long rambling e-mail concerning why we should use "holiday" instead of Christmas. I am thinking what does this have to do with the blog?...

Great Article by Humberto Fontova Mr. Fontova destroys the myth of Leche Guevera as a 'Guerrilla Fighter.' He writes a great piece here. It seems that Guevera t-shirts are popping up everywhere lately. Yet, when you question the moron wearing...

Commie 101 Commie propaganda is full of slogans and code words to try to confuse the public. Now to Cuban-Americans or those who have lived through the horrors of communism, you know well commie speak. This commie to real definition list is to decipher...

Cuba USA
