Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays
Cuba USA

Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays

It seems more people are saying Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas? They seem scared to offend (Christians can be offended)anyone by saying Merry Christmas. Now I need to warn you because what I say next might very OFFENSIVE to many:

Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!

- "you Must Open Your Heart"
During the Christmas season many experience a wide array of emotions ranging from sadness to joy! I give thanks to God for the many blessings that I have, but I must admit my attitude this Christmas wasn't all warm and fuzzy. A suggestion that...

- Meaning Of Christmas?
Meaning of Christmas? I am still learning and yearning for the TRUE meaning of Christmas. Yes, our Lord savior was born for us, but over the years myself and many need to be reminded of this message. True sacrifice for others, how many have died or are...

- Merry Christmas!
To all my family, friends, readers, and fellow bloggers: "Merry Christmas." To the people of Cuba: that all free nations of the world will finally recognize that it's time for FREEDOM and JUSTICE, and finally "FELIZ NAVIDAD"...

- Merry Christmas!
To all my family, friends, readers, and fellow bloggers: "Merry Christmas." To the people of Cuba: that all free nations of the world will finally recognize that it's time for FREEDOM and JUSTICE, and finally "FELIZ NAVIDAD" Blogging will be light...

Merry Christmas To all my family, friends, readers, and fellow bloggers: "Merry Christmas." To the people of Cuba: that all free nations of the world will finally recognize that it's time for FREEDOM and JUSTICE, and finally "FELIZ NAVIDAD"...

Cuba USA
