Cuba USA

Political Prisoners

Those who are marching in Cuba to protest against torture are really misguided. I believe they know what they are doing and aiding the enemy. Just a refresher on some of those suffering in Cuban jails. What about Dr. Biscet? Christians? Why don't they do a little fact-finding and research on all those who were killed and tortured simply because they spoke out and were Christians. Of course not, just plain commies!!!!

- Nebraska Signs A $15.75 Million Dollar Deal With The Apartheid Dictatorship
What about the political prisoners? What about those who were tortured or killed by the dictatorship?...

Health of dissident worsens From Religion en Revolucion: By Stefan J. Bos The health of a leading Christian Cuban prisoner of conscience has "significantly worsened," amid abuse inside the detention facility where at least one person was killed in...

Letter To The Pope Everyone I know this is reaching a bit, but since the vatican has mentioned that the Pope might visit Cuba, a mention of the political prisoners and the " real" situation in Cuba is merited. Santo Padre, This is a letter to wish you...

More On Our Favorite Group: Code Commies Code Pink protested at military recruiting centers last week and staged fake military bake sales. Isn't that so cute! How about this: check out the photos of the artsy fartsy slogans and posters. I have some...

Check out what Cuba calls "subversive and dangerous" Its seems that the Gospel of John is a dangerous threat to the brutal communist regime. Yes, the commies are afraid for the truth about are Lord. FAITH UNDER FIREBible printing press confiscated in...

Cuba USA
