Cuba USA


Jose at Cubanology sent a link to "Frequently Asked Questions: Coast Guard Migrant Interdiction"

The Cuban Adjustment Act can be found here.

Coast Guard update on the balseros which Juan at Paxty Pages, also posted can be clicked here.

A very valid point was expressed to me yesterday by someone very special to me: The problem with immigration, migration, or whatever you want to call it is they lump everyone and every situation into one group. The problem also is with the media, so-called activist are always silent when it comes to Cubans. Look at the news(Spanish) last night, not a peep concerning the freedom seekers, but a major story on immigrant rights in Arizona. I guess someone from that station read my blog, because the had one story from Colombia and mentioned several other countries, but the major focus was on you know what and you know who!
All this being said I want to express that we live in the best country in the world and GOD BLESS THE U.S.A.

- Stunned..........
This past Sunday I attended mass with my family to thank God for all my blessings and forgiveness for all my sins! We leave our local Church and we pick up some publications on our way out. One of these publications is the Florida Catholic. I start...

Hunger Strike As most of you know by now the 15 balseros were returned today. Again we should be incensed about the lack of media coverage. Can you believe this crap: "The `bridge' is kind of a misnomer,'' said Coast Guard Lt. Commander...

Unbelievable!!!! It's Monday morning and nothing on the search engine concerning the protest or the hunger strike. The only story about this is in Spanish at : El Nuevo Only a few concerned and as always its the bloggers trying to dig...

Mother of Oshniel Hernandez This is the mother of one of the balseros. She is basically asking: "President Bush I'm the mother of the child Osniel Hernandez Don't return him to Cuba Apply the Law." Remember these 15 balseros were picked up on...

Cubans Picked up by the Coast Guard A boat of 10 Cubans were intercepted by the Coast Guard. They spent several days in the ocean surviving the waves of Hurricane Rita. All you Castro worshipers, see what people risk for FREEDOM!...

Cuba USA
